20" Jag Rims


New LVC Member
Aug 11, 2008
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I have been looking at some Jag rims on e-bay. Picture attached. I think these would look frickin' good!!!


These are 20" rims. I have been looking at posts and it seems like many members talk about wanting 20" rims but most have 18" and 19". Is there a barrier that is preventing 20's? I inquired about the offsets.

20 x 8.5 are 29mm
20 x 9.5 are 49mm

I may have them backwards.

I posed this question as one of many in an earlier forum. Hoping that I can get some more insight. The more detail the better. I have been searching the forum and cannot get enough information put together to make a good decision. I would appreciate responses, links, whatever you've got.

I do have some apprehension about the 20's just in the sheer fact that I am wondering if I can put enough rubber on them that I won't be bending rims constantly.

I'm new here and i was thinking bout putting some 20s on too.
I hope you do have it backwards. If he or she will sell you 4 of the 8.5" by 49mm offset you would be good.

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