200,000 mile servicing?


LVC Member
Mar 15, 2007
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Yes, it is true and not a typo. I have attached a pic for proof. I have done it and now I'm just curious to what kind of servicing I should have done.

The car runs excellent considering the mileage. There is a slight shake in the wheel, probably have an unbalanced tire from the roads around here. Pot holes the size of graves... And the transmission appears to hesitate. Nothing major, but it kind of bothers me.

Other then that I always fix something when it breaks, oil changes on time, and I keep her clean. Anyone that has worries of the car not lasting long, no need to worry, it's still a pleasure to drive and I constantly get compliments on such a beautiful car.

Wow man that car has been around. Good job. I remember seeing Hylife's 100,000 mile picture. He has doubled you up.
I would have the intake/fuel rail etc cleaned. I had a local shop do that to my wife's 150K 93 Jeep Grand Cherokee and that smoothed it right out. It also helped the mileage--a lot. If you never flushed the tranny I am sure you need to now. Changing the brake fluid may also be a good idea. These are just my thoughts.
Tranny is sealed so no flush required. Besides..if its NEVER been flushed before? I definitely wouldnt stir up a possible hornets nest by doing it now. Most likely it could cause issues.

But in general, just keep maintaining it as you have. The car doesnt "know" that it suddenly hit a major milestone. :)

and congrats!
Seafoam up the intake and probably do a fuel system cleaner. I'd also check some of the hoses, 200,000 miles is alot of driving, sometimes hoses can get old and crack.

I wouldn't touch the transmission, I've heard some stories about people never flushing trannies for 100,000+ then someone offers it and they say why not, tranny blows up weeks later.... but who knows, could just be a coincidence.

Congrats on 200k I hope mine lasts that long!
I would have a FULL service done on it to include:

Tranny flush / filter change
Diff fluid change
Brake fluid change / flush
Powersteering fluid change / flush
Cooling system flush
fuel filter replace

Now, some people mentioned "sealed for life" tranny and what not. While the manual might infact say that... there is something key to remember... Nothing is actually SEALED, 100% on your car. Your diff, your tranny, powersteering, brake fluid... all of it goes through heating and cooling cycles. What's the big deal with that? Well, that heating and cooling causes condensation; meaning the fuild actually collects water. That's why oil change intervals specify mileage AND time; it isn't like oil "expires". Also, you have molecular break-down... a very real occurance in oil. And specific to transmissions... clutch packs and syncro's DO wear, and where do you think the debris from that friction goes? Into the fuild. But it's filtered right?!?! Yes, which is why you need the filter replaced, but also, that filter does not stop EVERYTHING.

Simple truth is... no such thing as "lubricated for life". That only means it's lubricated for as long as they figure the part will be in service for... which really just means, until it breaks; help your car live a little longer... replace your fluids!
I wouldn't touch the tranny, since they don't need to be flushed. I would just change/clean air intake, fuel line. Get a tune up and you should be fine. Wow i never knew these mototrs are that reliable. Makes me have more faith...lol:p
I would have a FULL service done on it to include:

Tranny flush / filter change
Diff fluid change
Brake fluid change / flush
Powersteering fluid change / flush
Cooling system flush
fuel filter replace

Now, some people mentioned "sealed for life" tranny and what not. While the manual might infact say that... there is something key to remember... Nothing is actually SEALED, 100% on your car. Your diff, your tranny, powersteering, brake fluid... all of it goes through heating and cooling cycles. What's the big deal with that? Well, that heating and cooling causes condensation; meaning the fuild actually collects water. That's why oil change intervals specify mileage AND time; it isn't like oil "expires". Also, you have molecular break-down... a very real occurance in oil. And specific to transmissions... clutch packs and syncro's DO wear, and where do you think the debris from that friction goes? Into the fuild. But it's filtered right?!?! Yes, which is why you need the filter replaced, but also, that filter does not stop EVERYTHING.

Simple truth is... no such thing as "lubricated for life". That only means it's lubricated for as long as they figure the part will be in service for... which really just means, until it breaks; help your car live a little longer... replace your fluids!

I think those were close to the exact words of the technician who told my uncle to get the tranny flush done on my aunts van.... 3 weeks later it had to be replaced. My .02 is that a tranny flush is a coin flip....
Wow... 200,000!

As asked above - Have you been the only owner?

My car just hit 30,000 and it was a big deal for me because this is my first car that I've ever owned that had less than 70,000 miles on it.
Did I own the car since new?

No, I bought the car used. It had 2 owners before me. Originated out of Jersey as a company car.
I worked at a trans shop for 2 years. We always just added a friction modifier to new fluid if the old was in bad shape.

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