2000 Ashtray problem


Dedicated LVC Member
Nov 26, 2004
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It used to be a smooth transition out, now the ashtray shoots out. I was thinking it might be off track due to the radar detector being put in, which I'm hardwiring soon. The dealer wants 80 bucks just to look at it, anyone had this problem?
KD00LS said:
It used to be a smooth transition out, now the ashtray shoots out. I was thinking it might be off track due to the radar detector being put in, which I'm hardwiring soon. The dealer wants 80 bucks just to look at it, anyone had this problem?

Dont take it to those retards...They have no :q:q:q:qing clue what they are doing. I have taken my LS in 10 :q:q:q:qing times since january. It's :q:q:q:qing insane. MY brakes are STILL, (and if you didnt catch my whole smokng brakes post about a couple months ago, then you wouldnt know) smoking and causing me problems. They are dumbasses. I'm gunna have the thing into midas to get it fixed, they know what the hell they are doing. $500 to replace a set of brakes and the :q:q:q:qers smoke like some damn toy at halloween. I'd advise you to stay away from them, or else youll see some stupid :q:q:q:q like that damn ash tray lighter catching on fire next tire you drive it. Sorry to go ape :q:q:q:q on this thread, but my car tonight just gave me hell and I'm piussed because the FUKing employees have no damn clue on how to fix or even REPLACE a part. Hell, I could do it myself and it would be better (not the best) than theirs!! Post pictures of what it looks like, if it looks offset, than maybe its off track. It should be a very easy fix, and not some stupid $80 down deal.
jus take off the wood grain trim around it and unscrew it, and take a look at it... its easy, ive done it 1000 times messing with my radio... lemme kno if u got any questions...
LennDawg said:
jus take off the wood grain trim around it and unscrew it, and take a look at it... its easy, ive done it 1000 times messing with my radio... lemme kno if u got any questions...

Alright thanks Lenn.

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