Dedicated LVC Member
P0174 Symptoms
- Check Engine Light will illuminate
- In some cases, no adverse conditions may be noticed by the driver
- In other cases, there may be performance problems, such as a lack of power on acceleration and some "coughing" or misfiring
- The vehicle may have trouble idling, especially when warm or when sitting at a stoplight
- PCM software needs to be updated
- Vacuum leaks (Intake Manifold Gaskets, vacuum hoses, PCV hoses, etc.)
- Mass Airflow Sensor (MAF)
- Plugged Fuel Filter or weak Fuel Pump
- Plugged or dirty Fuel Injectors
So with that being said on the Lincoln LS where would be the best place to start? Plugs and COP’s or MAF sensor? Or both right away? Just picked her up for cheap as always wqneeds new T-Stat housing De-gas bottle/Reservoir and yes the dreaded last 2001 had the greatest engine and only threw me one code when the transmission over-Drive went to crap
As always Thanks in advance