2002 Lincoln LS v6 Overheating. Help!!!


LVC Member
Mar 9, 2011
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Hi guys, It have been long time since I dont login in here, but I need really need some advices. I have a 2002 Lincoln LS v6 which I bought last years; the car has some problems like clock spring and others.

But today the car got overheated, I was driving to work less than 20 miles and the temperature got the hightest level. Of course I stped the car and I waited until got cold again so could drive back to home.

Ok this is what I ckecked and I have to say.

- The engine coolant reservoir was boiling, but in the proper level. Even when is cold the level is ok.

- When the car is on, I can hear a weird sound like air.

- The car used to have engine coolant fluid leaks, but the level is ok too. But I noticed the fluid turned like pinky or cloudy I looks like Popto Bismol.

- Also, when I turn the A/C on, I makes a whining sounds for a couple seconds.

- The engine coolant fluid I have been using is Transmision fluid. That was the autoparts guy told me. So, I dont know why I tuned Pepto Bismol color?

I hope you guys undertand what I mean since my English is my second language.

Any advice, ideas or suggestions is apprecciated.

The engine coolant fluid I have been using is Transmision fluid. That was the autoparts guy told me. So, I dont know why I tuned Pepto Bismol color?

Can you confirm this statement to be true ?

You used Transmission Fluid as Engine Coolant fluid ?

Is this a typo ?

If in fact you did blend transmission fluid into your coolant, you are going to need that LS completely flushed out.
ATF (Mercon V) goes into the engine hydraulic cooling fan reservoir at the front of the engine. It has a fan symbol on it.

Coolant (mixture of antifreeze and water) goes into the degas bottle located at the back of the engine compartment just in front of the windshield on the driver's side.

If you've mixed these up, you have done major damage and are in for some expensive repairs. I do not recommend that you attempt to fix this yourself. Take it to a Ford or Lincoln dealer. You are in over your head.
Pepto Bismol color coolant = not normal and is clearly the result of transmission fluid being added to the degas bottle. I don't see transmission fluid from the hydraulic cooling fan system being able to 'leak' into the coolant system. don't think so anyhow.

It needs to be cleaned out and $$$'s thrown at it if it doesn't all come out.
Heater core is going to be an expensive one to correct I'm sure.
LMAO... your are (or the parts guy) is confusing the cooling FAN reservoir with the Degas bottle ... the coolant is added near the windshield wiper on the drivers side...
Sorry Joe didnt see your post... I HAVE heard of this before... guy took it to the dealer and was able to disassemble everything and clean it out... But chances are they wont do that here
Hi guys, thanks for all replies.

Yes, Im 100% sure the creamy fluid is the Engine Coolant Fluid, and the last fluid I used was Mercon V Transmission Fluid for Ford cars. What I know is this Mercon V is different than the last one because the oldone wasnt that Pepto Bismol color.

the Degas bottle ... the coolant level near the windshield wiper on the drivers side is Ok.
Hi guys, thanks for all replies.

Yes, Im 100% sure the creamy fluid is the Engine Coolant Fluid, and the last fluid I used was Mercon V Transmission Fluid for Ford cars. What I know is this Mercon V is different than the last one because the oldone wasnt that Pepto Bismol color.

the Degas bottle ... the coolant level near the windshield wiper on the drivers side is Ok.

You are still not clear.
There is no "engine coolant fluid."

There is engine coolant. It is water and anti-freeze and goes in the degas bottle/reservoir at the base of the windshield.

There is hydraulic cooling fan fluid. It is Mercon ATF and it goes in the fan reservoir at the front of the car.

What fluid did you put in which location?
Yes I used Mercon V, Automatic Transmission fluid as Engine Fan Cooling Fluid. I bought it from Advance Auto Parts. they told that It works.
Ok. Maybe Im little confused. Sorry guys.

Once again, I put Mercon V Automatic Transmission Fluid in the Engine cooling fan fluid reservoir.
You are still not clear.
There is no "engine coolant fluid."

There is engine coolant. It is water and anti-freeze and goes in the degas bottle/reservoir at the base of the windshield.

There is hydraulic cooling fan fluid. It is Mercon ATF and it goes in the fan reservoir at the front of the car.

What fluid did you put in which location?

Yes Joegr. I was exatcly like you said: I use Mercon V ATF as hydraulic cooling fan fluid.

Did it do something wrong? I remember I did it before but I didnt get like frothy cream.
Which tank has pink fluid now? The fan fluid or the degas bottle?

If it's the fan, then the pump is probably shot - which would explain your overheating.
Which tank has pink fluid now? The fan fluid or the degas bottle?

If it's the fan, then the pump is probably shot - which would explain your overheating.

The fan fluid is the one pink and little frothy. Overheating happened this morning when driving my wife to work. I got the red light warning, I turned the car off and I waited until cold. Since then, I tried again drove for 20 min, nothing happened except for a whining sound when I turn the A/C on.

This is the first time since I bought the Car february 2011.
Someone has put water or antifreeze in the hydraulic fan reservoir. There may be some hope for it, but very likely the entire system (pump and fan motor) will have to be replaced.
Yes, I guess so, but I don't understand how water got there. I was who filled out the engine fan cooling tank and I used Mercon V ATF.

In this case, It sounds like is not DIY job.

Thanks everyone!
is it not possible, to at least attempt to remove the bottom line, drain it out, add new fresh fluids and redo. I know it's a bigger system then just the reservoir but if one could do this a dozen times or so, might be able to circulate fresh fluids into it. worth a shot.

~ at least that's what I would be working on.

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