2002 lincoln lse rear bumper lower valance


LVC Member
Apr 28, 2010
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im looking for a lower valance for my 2002 lse. mine is busted. let me know if anyone has one im not looking to spend a lot.



bumper valance.jpg
lol ^^^^ good luck finding one of those and if you do i dont think its gonna be cheap...
Yep. That's a previous lvc member's car. longislandlse or something like that.
pektel how do you like the magna flow is it a low tone or is it loud? i drive an lse not a mustang.

You are prpbably going to have to "bite the bullet" and order one from the dealer. I needed a front valence for the '02 because of hitting a thrown semi's tread. Salvage yards would not sell it off the bumper. Front plastic valence plus attaching clips: about $85.
there is no lower valance on the front bumper. its one solid bumper cover. the rear valance I need is $1100 thats a little more than $85. I dont know if I find one I find One im not gonna go crazzy. but thanks for the advice.
yea im looking to spend a couple hundred. if you com across anything let me know.

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