you have replaced every single part that coolant runs through that is made out of plastic?
if not, stop wasting your own time...
it should be noted that a pressure test usually come back no problem found with owners swearing that they don't have a leak only to find out that they did really have a leak and they didn't know because they were looking for the wrong thing.
also what brand parts do you use to replace the ones that you did replaced.
really heres one of the best test that I have found... bleed all of the air out of the system, then drive it until it starts to overheat again, then try to bleed it again, if more air comes out, then this is your proof that you have a leak that is letting air in.
it should also be noted that while yes, a seveire leak will leak coolant out, most leaks with the LS start by being small enough to only let air in and not let liquid coolant out...