2003 Lincoln LS 3.9 Stalling and No Gas Pedal


New LVC Member
Jun 30, 2015
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So this is my first post here normally I just search through until I find something I need.

My Lincoln is having some problems. I was driving last week and stopped at a stop light. When I went to take off I pressed in the gas pedal and the car immediately died. It ran fine and would roll under its own power but as soon as you try and accelerate it would die.

Shop told me it was a fuel pump and filter problem. I also threw a code for a misfire.

When I got the car to my house I checked the coils and plugs. I had oil in 1 - 4. So I replaced all of the plugs, coil packs, and the valve cover gaskets.

Since the shop said my fuel pump was bad, I replaced it and the filter as well.

Unfortunately, this has not fixed my problem.

The car was running and I thought was fixed but when I went to test drive I had no throttle at all.

Now the car is revving to 1200 rpm then dropping to around 500 and then stalling on startup.

I really don't know where to go from here, any help would be greatly appreciated. I am getting to desperation point.
Did you verify that the plug gaps are set to 1.0mm?
Did you use Motorcraft coils?
Have you measured fuel pressure. There are two fuel pumps. It could have been the jet pump (driver's side) that was the problem instead of the electric pump (passenger's side). Did they misdiagnose the fuel pump based on symptoms, or did they do tests and correctly diagnose a failing fuel pump?
Did you get any ETC failsafe warnings?
Do you have a check engine light on? Have you checked for OBDII codes (even if the light is off)?
It could be an air leak or a MAF problem. Unplug the MAF sensor and see if that stops the stalling. If so, then bad MAF or intake air leak.
If you went long enough with misfires, you could have clogged catalytic converters. You can test for this by temporarily removing the two front O2 sensors and seeing if it will run okay.
Did you verify that the plug gaps are set to 1.0mm?
Did you use Motorcraft coils?
Have you measured fuel pressure. There are two fuel pumps. It could have been the jet pump (driver's side) that was the problem instead of the electric pump (passenger's side). Did they misdiagnose the fuel pump based on symptoms, or did they do tests and correctly diagnose a failing fuel pump?
Did you get any ETC failsafe warnings?
Do you have a check engine light on? Have you checked for OBDII codes (even if the light is off)?
It could be an air leak or a MAF problem. Unplug the MAF sensor and see if that stops the stalling. If so, then bad MAF or intake air leak.
If you went long enough with misfires, you could have clogged catalytic converters. You can test for this by temporarily removing the two front O2 sensors and seeing if it will run okay.

I did not use motorcraft coils or verify the plug gaps.

Fuel pressure is mid 50s at the rail.

Did get an ETC failsafe but only while my grandfather was fiddling with the throttle body. Right now the car doesn't show anymore codes at least since the new plugs and coils.

I will check the MAF sensor after I get out of work today.
I did not use motorcraft coils or verify the plug gaps.

well IF all of the coils were not bad out of the box... if any of the spark plugs were out of range, you could be ruining the new coils pretty quick (each time I have bough 8 plugs, there has always bee at least a couple that were out of range)

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