2003 lincoln ls bad ecu


New LVC Member
Nov 22, 2014
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hello everyone, im helping my brother with his 2003 lincoln ls that was throwing random error codes. after taking it to a few shops they all said it was a bad ecu and to take it to the dealer. we ended up getting a flashed ecu from a local programmer, pulled the old ecu out and put the new one in and now the car will crank but wont start.

ive come across a few threads regarding the pats system, my question is how do i know if the car is equipped with pats? if so what would be the next course of action? do the keys have to be programmed? or better yet, how would i know if the keys have to be programmed? the car is equipped with an alarm, but it looks aftermarket, not oem.

i hope someone can shed some light on this.

thank you very much
All LSes have PATS. There's no question that yours has PATS.
The cluster, all keys (must have at least two), and the PCM have to all be "married" together. This requires a really good ($$$) scan tool. A dealer can do this, and some locksmiths can do it.
I can't advise you on the aftermarket alarm.

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