2004 LS cranks but won't start


New LVC Member
Feb 25, 2009
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I recently had to replace the head temperature sensor on my 2004 LS. This involves quite a bit of work as many may know because of its location under the intake plenum. After putting it all back together and checking all connections multiple times it cranks over, has fuel pressure, but won't start. Snuffed it with starting fluid and it fired. There just seems to be no pulse at the injectors. Any ideas?
I recently had to replace the head temperature sensor on my 2004 LS. This involves quite a bit of work as many may know because of its location under the intake plenum. After putting it all back together and checking all connections multiple times it cranks over, has fuel pressure, but won't start. Snuffed it with starting fluid and it fired. There just seems to be no pulse at the injectors. Any ideas?

A connector not reattached?
MAF not installed correctly, or big intake air leak?
I took the intake back off and replaced intake gaskets with OEM ones. Once I got it all back together again it cranked over for quite some time before it started (most likely due to completely empty fuel rail etc.). At that point now I have an issue with the coolant system. It gets hot really quick due to an air lock somewhere in the cooling system. Any easy way to burp this out?
Not sure if v6 or v8, but the bleeding procedure is located above. Click the button that says "TECH ARTCILES." Follow it letter for letter.

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