2004 V-6 LS/Engine won't crank over,in park OR neutral


Jan 14, 2014
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Could it be the ignition switch in dash or bad neutral start switch? I'm also thinking solenoid which is on the starter,right?
ALMOST made the mistake of trying to drive it to Dayton tomorrow. Taking the Aerostar van instead.
Any ideas out there? Thanks! I'll look at your helpful answers tomorrow. don-ohio :)^)

P.S.: I tried both my keys,so that's not it.
Okay, I'll bite. What is your PATS light doing when it won't start?
Thanks for biting,Joe!Actually I don't know for sure what it's doing. I looked up another topic where you and Telco basically agreed it was probably the starter,so when I get back home,I may pull the starter.
It sat out on the curb last night and this AM it started no problem.I'm now in Dayton 100 miles away so I can't try anything.Thanks! don-ohio :)^)
pulling the starter if the PATS light is blinking would be a terrible waste of time...

I wouldn't do a thing until you see the light doing what it is supposed to do while it is not starting... then test for voltage... confirm that the starter SHOULD be cranking while its not, then pull it out.

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