2005 Leak In Lincoln Town Car


New LVC Member
Feb 27, 2006
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Does anyone know about this. I have been shopping for a 2005 Lincoln Town Car. I notice under the floor matts on passenger front that the carpeting is damp. Carpeting is dry driver's side. I have checked about 6 vehicles. Help.
I hope it is not Anti-freeze! I would suspect one of three items - windshield was replaced and poorly sealed , If Moon roof the drain plugs are clogged pr leaking as they go down the pass side pillar post or lastly the cowl drains are plugged and you are getting over flow into the pass compartment.

Just my thoughts...
1998 Lincoln Town Car Leak

Hi! Everybody!

I'm very new to LVS and I'm looking for your help. I own a 1998 Signature Lincoln Town Car. I'm having a problem with the right rear passenger floor board having rain water in it. (All the windows were raised.) We had a tremendous amount of rain last week, and I noticed about 2 inches of rain water in the floor board, on that side of the car. I have checked the seals on the doors and windows and they don't appear to be bad. What can it be??? Any information that you can share would be greatly appreciated.
the problem with the towncars is the cowel drains get plugged with tree debris both on the left and right side, from the cowel area not being cleaned out during regular services.

the drains get clogged and the water backs up and over flows into fresh air inlet for the blower case, it runs down the side and into passenger floor.

even though you are getting water in the rear of your vehicle breathless i would say the above is your problem because the floor of the town car is angled towards the back so the water is pooling there.

the drains need to be cleaned out and sometimes the cowel resealed. On the 98s the cowel drain under the wiper motor is the one that gets clogged the most, hard to get to without taking it all apart.

on the 03 and up town car there is a drain on the far passenger side, it has a little rubber door flap cover it. I cant remember if the 02 and previous town car has the same drain, i think it might.
Same on my 01. I had three drains. I believe there were 1 or 2 on the passenger side. on the passenger side, one under the wiper motor. All three are small holes.

Best thing to do is to take a sunday and pull the cowl across the front of the vehicle, clean out all the draining areas very well, I had a ton of those little helicopter things in mine. Then you have to pull back your carpeting because there is a LOT of water in your car. It took me a week of driving around with the carpet pulled back to even get it damp. Sometimes you have to pull the passenger seat.

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