A little prior planning would prevent some of this grief you're experiencing. So a good used motor under 100k about 800-1000. Got mine at 89k 850. And since you got it out, power spray the engine bay, all new radiator hoses, water pump, front & rear main seals, send one set of injectors out for cleaning, and dont forget CRC connector cleaner several cans. Reseat with plenty of Permatex 650°F silicone of the oil dip stick tube, a major leaker. And over time the thin sheet metal exhaust gaskets leak a small amount of gas and harden the valve cover gaskets so, reset them with yes Permatex 650°F silicone. And if you snap off a stud, a relative easy fix out of the bay otherwise a super pain in the _ _ _. Motor mounts, power steering pump, alternator, & auxiliary water pump should have some attention. These are some of the tasks I did last year chasing the maintenance and replacing the complete AC sys on my 470k motor.
I would allocate two months of weekends to address most of the work while your save your money. Get the OEM service manual from Helms publishing.