What's that sound? The pitter-patter of a couple hundered angry Tea-Rards stomping their little feet?
...she gleefully banged out on her keyboard.The dems win... health care passes.
9. "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."
Are you going to sit there and say that the Democrats aren't going to lose seats over this?What if this doesn’t actually destroy America? That would be a tragedy for Republicans. A lot of political coin has been spent by the Dems here - but an even larger amount of political coin has been spent by the Republicans.
Well, that might be true if I worked for a pharma company. But I don't. So go pound sand.Nope, Dems will lose seats - probably lots of them, this election cycle. However, in the long run, say in the bigger picture election, 2012, will this trend continue? If we haven't fallen into a great abyss because of this bill by then, the Republicans can come out looking like fools.
Oh, Foss, I read that the WSJ believes that pharmaceuticals will benefit the most from this bill - your company should do fine.
What's this, the 'That's your opinion' argument?Any battle worth fighting has casualties.
Maybe it will only destroy fossten's (idea of) america.
Any battle worth fighting has casualties.
Maybe it will only destroy fossten's (idea of) america.
The consevatives got their revisionist Texas textbooks last week but the liberals scored a much bigger prize.
I guarantee I've read far more of the bill than you have. I know what's in it. I know what freedoms it takes away. You don't know jack. So shut up until you have something meaningful to say. Keep your childish taunts to yourself.
You're just babbling. You aren't even coherent.So you think they're going to live up to their own rules?
It would be ironic if evolution (of government) obsoletes old guard conservative policies.
Once this is in effect there's no going back unless conservatives want to campaign scrooge like on not paying for babies and sick people to see doctors because they're not worthy.
Good luck with that.
Is Rush going to follow through on leaving the country like he promised?
You listen to him every day...
In a vacuum your thought might be something to consider.No really
Don't you think this could be the beginning of the end of political conservatism?
It's not exactly popular in the rest of the world and with the US moving forward with Obamacare people may decide they like not worrying about individually paying for healthcare and facing potential catastrophic medical bills bankrupting them among other things.
Once the people get a taste of universal healthcare they may decide their fears were much greater than the reality.
Once this is in effect there's no going back unless conservatives want to campaign scrooge like on not paying for babies and sick people to see doctors because they're not worthy.
Good luck with that.
Is Rush going to follow through on leaving the country like he promised?
You listen to him every day...
In a vacuum your thought might be something to consider.
However, Obama and his fellow communists haven't even begun to ramp up their takeover. Up next is amnesty, and after that Crap and Trade. Jobs isn't even on the horizon. The healthcare bill and reconciliation package together will jack up capital gains taxes to 25%. Obama is determined to destroy the private sector and make America pay for its capitalist greed, eh comrade? Perpetual 10% unemployment and huge debt and inflation will highlight the folly of the Communists now in control.
How did Carter do in 1980?
You really should know what you are talking about.
Limbaugh NEVER promised to leave the country like you claim.
If you understood conservatism and the political dynamics in the country you would know that conservatism is in the ascendancy and this country is and has been a center-right to conservative nation.
If you actually applied any critical thought to the Texas textbook issue you would find that they are inherently not giving a one sided view of history but are attempting to move away from a one sided view of history.
If you understood the economic realities and trade-offs both in this health care bill and single payer health care generally you would know that peoples fears of universal health care are not unfounded and the reality will likely be worse then thought.
You need to educate yourself and apply a little critical thought here instead of accepting leftist propaganda. You are embarrassing yourself with your ignorance.
You really should know what you are talking about.
Limbaugh NEVER promised to leave the country like you claim.
If you understood conservatism and the political dynamics in the country you would know that conservatism is in the ascendancy and this country is and has been a center-right to conservative nation.
If you actually applied any critical thought to the Texas textbook issue you would find that they are inherently not giving a one sided view of history but are attempting to move away from a one sided view of history.
If you understood the economic realities and trade-offs both in this health care bill and single payer health care generally you would know that peoples fears of universal health care are not unfounded and the reality will likely be worse then thought.
You need to educate yourself and apply a little critical thought here instead of accepting leftist propaganda. You are embarrassing yourself with your ignorance.
Yes, comrade, we know you don't value human life like we do.Some people may have died waiting for service but that number pales in comparison to the uninsured or worse thought was insured american experience.