I'm suprised none of you started a thread about the SCTUS decision regarding the 2nd amendment this week.
I'm suprised none of you started a thread about the SCTUS decision regarding the 2nd amendment this week.
Absolutely true. There are at least 4 partisans in that group.
Isn't it funny how 35 years ago five SCOTUS justices "found" the right to an abortion in the Constitution, even though it isn't written there, but this week four SCOTUS justices couldn't find a right to keep and bear arms in the Constitution, despite the fact that it is WRITTEN PLAINLY.
Well, your smart enough to understand that abortion is tied to a womans right to do as she pleases with her body. Even though you might not like it, it's an important right.
Do citizens no longer have the need or right to defend themselves from aggressors, criminals, or the threat of a tyrannical government?If you do, then there is the argument that there is no longer a need for everyone to be allowed to carry a weapon.
Nope- totally different... Unless there's a constitutional amendment specifically stating such a thing.. which there is not. If you read the actual majority decision on the case you'll be astounded by how poorly it is written and thought... it really seems like the Justice Blackmun is aware of how weak his argument is when writing it.... using another ridiculous, weak, poorly constructed, invented right to privacy, to support his argument.But if you agree with that, while you get your guns, you also get the right of a woman to do as she pleases with her body.
Joey, the one single fly in your ointment is that the 1st and 2nd Amendments to the Constitution are ACTUALLY WRITTEN. The right to murder an unborn baby is not written, and I would argue what about the rights of the baby? Furthermore, the baby is not part of the woman's body. This has been proven scientifically, and this scientific info will be brought to the next court case challenging Roe v. Wade.Well, your smart enough to understand that abortion is tied to a womans right to do as she pleases with her body. Even though you might not like it, it's an important right.
Now, I agree with you about the Second Amendment. In my mind, it means that any citizen has the right to own a gun. Not necessarily any gun, but any gun the framers would have known about. i.e. handguns and rifles. Machine guns were not around then. So I can swallow limiting that.
But, are you willing to pick up both ends of that stick? The constitution says nothing about limiting felon's gun ownership rights. Fact is, everyone had guns back then because they were part of everyday life. You rode your horse with a rifle holstered in the saddle. There were no 3 day checks to find out if you were a criminal. So everyone carried their guns. Criminals, everyone. Of course, part of the reason for that is that you hunted for food and needed a gun to do that. Now we dont have to hunt for food.
See the trouble is, you either want the contitution to grow with the times or you dont. If you do, then there is the argument that there is no longer a need for everyone to be allowed to carry a weapon. On the other hand, if you think the constitutional rights shouldnt change with the times and should be intrepreted strictly as written, then your car and laptop should be subject to search at anytime, because those arent mentioned in the constitution. Just your home and person are free from search.
Therein lies the dilemma.
Personally, I believe we should intrepret the constitution as liberally as possible and strive to protect every possible right. The spirit of the Constitution and bill of rights is one of freedom to do as one chooses with minimal intrusion from the government.
But if you agree with that, while you get your guns, you also get the right of a woman to do as she pleases with her body.
That statement alone puts you at odds with the pro-abortion activists.As far as abortion. I really liked what Guilanni said some time ago about the issue. It shouldnt be illegal, but we should do all we can to prevent it and offer alternatives.
And this basically means that abortion will eventually become illegal due to the advancements in science and technology. The point at which a fetus is viable outside of the womb is moving increasingly earlier. A fetus has now survived premature birth after only 21 weeks.Such as if the baby is viable outside of the womb. But in the basic sense,
Eh...wouldn't making it illegal be "all we can do?" You can't have it both ways.It shouldnt be illegal, but we should do all we can to prevent it and offer alternatives.
Joey, I've already discredited this premise. First, the government already does that. Prostitution's illegal, isn't it? What about taking illegal drugs?But in the basic sense, I don't feel it's the government's place to dictate what a woman must do with her body..
I believe in the 2nd amendment, and I believe that right should only be restricted where absolutely necessary or in the most extreme circumstances. I dont even think most felons should be barred from ownership. Unless you've committed a crime with a gun or with extreme violence, that right shouldnt be taken away.
I don't feel it is my place to tell a woman she has to carry a child if she doesn't want to. Now, I do think there are limits to this. Such as if the baby is viable outside of the womb. But in the basic sense, I don't feel it's the government's place to dictate what a woman must do with her body. I do think it is important to advise alternatives and options, and we have been doing that.
Many of our rights are NOT specifically written. The constitution has to be able to grow and adapt to the times. Oliver Wendall Holmes wrote that your not protected by the first amendment if you yell FIRE in a theatre. Yet that flys in the face of the text of the first amendment.
When you commit and are convicted of a felony you lose certain rights; some temporary, some permanently. The right to vote and the right to possess a firearm are two of the rights you lose permanently.
You can probably make a case for the firearm restriction being limited to only certain types of felonies, but you should understand that it is constitutional for those rights to be taken away through due process (which in the case of felons, they have been).
fossten said:Prostitution's illegal, isn't it? What about taking illegal drugs?
Furthermore, I've already stated (and can prove) that the baby inside her isn't part of her body, so your entire premise is swiss cheese. If I can establish my premise effectively, then the issue becomes about the rights of the baby rather than the rights of the mother.
Do you believe that the baby inside the mother has rights under the Constitution? Never mind what the court says, DO YOU BELIEVE IT.
First - You dont automatically lose the right to vote if convicted of a felony. Whether you lose that right depends on the state. Some states you lose, some you dont. This is one I strongly disagree with. As long as someone is a citizen, they should have the right to vote. Witholding that right while they are incarcerated is one thing, but permanantly revoking that right is completely inappropriate.
Second - The whole legality of denying felons gun ownership (among other regulations such as carry permits) is now up in the air, due to the opinion written by Scalia.
I believe the baby's rights are second to the mothers. Your premise is swiss cheese. The baby cannot survive at week 6 without the mother. SO to claim it's seperate is just dumb. What if the mother will die as a result of the pregancy? Should we just say -- "too bad. The baby has rights"?
First of all, that particular scenario, which is so rare as to be virtually nonexistent, is typically used as an argument to justify carte blanche infanticide across this country. Shag is correct - in that situation it's an issue of rights, but 93% of abortions are convenience-related, last minute solutions to pregnancies created out of complete irresponsibility by the parents. There is no way you can justify a woman choosing to abort her baby by saying that one in every million pregnancies have complications. Furthermore, who are you to say whose rights are secondary?I believe the baby's rights are second to the mothers. Your premise is swiss cheese. The baby cannot survive at week 6 without the mother. SO to claim it's seperate is just dumb. What if the mother will die as a result of the pregancy? Should we just say -- "too bad. The baby has rights"?
If you don't think abortion has had an effect on society, you have a lot to learn. Over FORTY MILLION babies have been aborted since 1973. That's FORTY MILLION potential taxpayers, as well as tens of millions of scarred, psychologically damaged women.Prostitution and illegal drugs have an impact on the rest of society. (although I believe prostitution should be legal, but regulated to protect society from disease, etc)
I sympathize with your libertarian view. However, it is irrelevant to this discussion. Again you are trying to produce a red herring here. There is a big difference between regulating the right to smoke or shoot up and regulating the "right" to murder unborn babies.You have to understand - I dont buy into any of these nanny laws. I am quite sick of people trying to regulate my life and determine what I can do and where. Dont want to smell my smoke? Go to a bar that doesnt permit smoking. Dont like guns? Dont buy one. Don't want to hear foul language? Watch the disney channel. I believe as long as I have a choice and am not forced to participate in something, then I shouldnt be telling someone else they cannot do something. Want to get drunk? Fine. Just dont drive since you might hit me.