3.9 manual ?


Lincoln LS 3.9 Manual Conversion Thread: Pictures Included
Here is the complete partlist. Cost is about or $6995 USD OR $14995 USD + any applicable taxes, depending upon your choice as per below:

- Blinker fluid (must be synthetic 0W90 Mobil1, applies to both options)
- Transmission solenoid removal
- Selling of the LS you currently own
- Do you still want a 3.9 AJ-V8 inside your LS?

If yes:
- Purchase a V6 manual first gen
- Purchase a V8 to insert into it
- Insert V8
- ???
- Profit!

If not:
- Purchase Lincoln LSX with a GM engine
- Done
yeah i am new here and to lincolns ,i love my ls the way it is but if i could think of anything to make it better it would be a five speed behind the v8 why didnt they make one to begin with
yeah i am new here and to lincolns ,i love my ls the way it is but if i could think of anything to make it better it would be a five speed behind the v8 why didnt they make one to begin with

Easy. The VAST majority of Lincoln owners don't want a manual, the VAST majority of Americans don't want a manual and manuals sit on dealer's lots for months. My local dealer (one of the largest in SoCal) told me the few manuals they received sat on the lot for an average of 90 days! That's too long for any new car to sit on the lot.

With that in mind the cost of NHTSA certification was prohibitive.
Easy. The VAST majority of Lincoln owners don't want a manual, the VAST majority of Americans don't want a manual and manuals sit on dealer's lots for months. My local dealer (one of the largest in SoCal) told me the few manuals they received sat on the lot for an average of 90 days! That's too long for any new car to sit on the lot.

With that in mind the cost of NHTSA certification was prohibitive.

any dealer with cars on the lot over 90 days will take just enough to profit on the vehicle just to move it.

When I bought my LS from the dealership I worked at I paid 50 bucks over what they paid for the car. ( I know this as they bought it from a guy I worked with there)

So all said they didn't make enough to pay the salesperson, my aunt, and make a profit on the car, but it had to go, it sat for 120 some days.

and yes, manuals in America sit for ever, in Europe they sell fast.
It would be necessary to get an otherwise blank 'QuikTime' scattershield bell-housing, a blank flywheel, and whatever trans you like. A hydraulic clutch linkage, a modified drive shaft and a few other bits and pieces. Then either hire a fabricator or DIY and first thing you know, you'll be set to 'row-around' your very own LS-V8.

It would be necessary to get an otherwise blank 'QuikTime' scattershield bell-housing, a blank flywheel, and whatever trans you like. A hydraulic clutch linkage, a modified drive shaft and a few other bits and pieces. Then either hire a fabricator or DIY and first thing you know, you'll be set to 'row-around' your very own LS-V8.


You'll also need to figure a way to trick the PCM. It looks for trans inputs.
The short answer for your question is that the gearbox in the LS would fly apart due to the torque from a 3.9. Huge fabrication job with lots of problems to overcome. No one has done it that any of use know of. Do a search in the forums to see all the discussions about this topic.
As rare as a manual tranny is, you think they wouldn't charge extra for an Automatic. Yet an auto is always $1500 extra if there is a manual option.
As rare as a manual tranny is, you think they wouldn't charge extra for an Automatic. Yet an auto is always $1500 extra if there is a manual option.

For many years, TPC (the phone company - bonus points if you can name the movie) charged more for touch tone lines than rotatory dial lines. At first, it did cost them more, but for a good ten years that they charged more for it, it actually cost them less for touch tone then it did for rotatory. For several years after that, it cost them exactly the same for rotatory and touch tone. They still charged more for it, because they still could.
Still nobody that owns an LS has converted it to a stick?? I do understand that there is some electronic tweaking that would have to be done, but it cant be that hard that nobody has done it. I would love to slap a 5 speed behind my V8, that would be amazing!!! I have been looking into it for a few days now and have seen stories of people doing it, but nothing on how they did it or what was behind the engine. I will look for the links again when I get home and throw up the links if I can find them again. They weren't helpful at all cuz the info was very limited, but when you see under the hood and the 5 speed inside, its pretty easy to tell that its "actually" a 5 speed V8.
Well, nevermind about the links, it was about some guy swapping in the LS1 and a 5 speed to go with it. But he said that the tranny was by far the hardest part about it! It seems pretty impossible because of the electronics.
if your going to go through the trouble of getting a manual trans to work with this V8, then you might as well do a little extra work to just get a better motor to begin with. the three times i have seen anyone do a successful manual conversion, were with a 302, a LS1 and a 4.6 (DOHC).

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