3 Problems HELP, please.

Joeys Lincoln

Active LVC Member
May 3, 2007
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So my 1999 Town Car is giving me a few problems

1- When ever it rains water seems to be leaking onto the passenger side floor, it comes from under the glove box and goes right onto the floor.

Any ideas exactly why this is happening? I'm just guessing something cracked somewhere.

2- The car is getting 9MPG in the City and 15 Highway, I used to get around 25 on the highway and never checked just the city.

The car has 89000 miles what do I need to replace? Also I'm still using 93 fuel and driving like my normal slow self.

3 The airbag light goes on and off for the first minute or so after turning the car on, then it just stays on the entire time, ideas?
So my 1999 Town Car is giving me a few problems

1- When ever it rains water seems to be leaking onto the passenger side floor, it comes from under the glove box and goes right onto the floor.

Any ideas exactly why this is happening? I'm just guessing something cracked somewhere.

2- The car is getting 9MPG in the City and 15 Highway, I used to get around 25 on the highway and never checked just the city.

The car has 89000 miles what do I need to replace? Also I'm still using 93 fuel and driving like my normal slow self.

3 The airbag light goes on and off for the first minute or so after turning the car on, then it just stays on the entire time, ideas?

#1 Couple of suspects - most likely it is a leak under the cowl (where the windshield wipers park) or if you have a moon roof then the drain holes are either plugged up or the little drain hose came unplugged. Easy to tell by getting a hose or bucket and drooping water in the cowl area then wait a few minutes to see if any leak, then try the moon roof. Of course the windshield gasket could be bad, not very common, at least on my Fords and Lincolns.

#2 Could be any number of items - Standard tune up - plugs, PCV , air filter, fuel filer, etc. Maybe O2 sensors are ready for replacement - best if they are done around 75K. Even a can of BG44K fuel treatment can help.

#3 Most likely is the Clock spring under the steering wheel - if it is solid and not flashing ( flash 52x then off then 3x then off, etc...)it is hard to diagnose. Clock-spring is pretty cheap usually under $100 to have replaced - best if professionals work on this - due to airbags being $$$$$ and you dont want it accidentally going off - very dangerous.

Hope this helps some.
hey about problem #1, I got a 2000 lincoln town car and had the same problem. ford used a foam gasket under the cowl where the heater motor is, and over time the gasket becomes complete trash, i have pics of the fix, if you want i will send them to you or post them somewhere, i cleaned around the gasket, and used a whole tube of silicone, covering the whole gasket and around it, its been good ever since, and since the silicone sticks well to the metal if u ever need to remove it it stays and all u have to do is put a small amount of fresh silicone right on the existing stuff. ya so its a quick fix.
Hey v-Tally if you could send me those pictures that'd be great.

Took me so long to post because I came back from vacation to find my windshield cracked from the top center, I'm oh so happy.....

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