35 articles of impeachment against President Bush


Staff member
Mar 2, 2004
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Chicago, IL


Rep. Dennis Kucinich introduced 35 articles of impeachment against President Bush yesterday in the House of Representatives. Here's a portion of Kucinich's speech:

Many will watch Rep. Kucinich's speech, roll their eyes, and decide it's a major waste of time. The President's term is almost up, and American's just don't support impeachment. Right?

Nope, not right. In fact, there is a surprisingly large percentage of Americans who support the impeachment of President Bush.

According to Angus Reid, an InsiderAdvantage poll around May 1, 2007, found 39 percent of American voters to favor impeaching both Bush and Cheney, and 55 percent opposed. Analyzing these numbers, Bob Barr, who initiated the Clinton impeachment hearings, said that "this indicates the surprising depth of dissatisfaction with Bush."

On July 6, 2007, a telephone poll conducted by the American Research Group found that 45 percent of American adults favored the US House of Representatives beginning impeachment proceedings against Bush, with 46 percent opposing the proceedings. In the same poll, 54 percent wanted impeachment proceedings against Cheney, and 40 percent were opposed.

In another July 2007 pool by USA Today/Gallup, 36% of Americans felt there was justification for congress to begin impeachment proceedings against the President, while 62% felt that there was no justification.

A November 13, 2007 nationwide poll by American Research Group found 34% of all voters agreeing that "President Bush has abused his powers as president which rise to the level of impeachable offenses under the Constitution and he should be impeached and removed from office", distributed among 50% of Democrats, 18% of Republicans and 34% of independents. 43% of all voters nationwide agreed Dick Cheney has abused his powers as vice president to the level of impeachable offenses and he should be impeached and removed from office. (Link)

Clearly not majorities, but note that the polling was done a year ago and, even then, the number supporting impeachment was surprisingly high. When the question is rephrased slightly:

A new American Research Group poll finds that 55 percent of voters believe President Bush has “abused his powers” in a manner that rises “to the level of impeachable offenses under the Constitution,” yet just 34 percent believe he should actually be impeached. Fifty-two percent say that Vice President Cheney has similarly abused his powers, with 43 percent supporting impeachment.

It may be that, with only six months left in the President's term, Congress won't have much enthusiasm for beginning an impeachment process. But the meme that the country just isn't interested in impeaching the president is not completely correct.

The president will, undoubtedly, be held accountable for his actions. But it will happen later rather than sooner.
'Bout F'ing time.

I'd go so far as to try him for treason.
There is no specific claim against Bush there. Just vague assertions, no actual grounds for impeachment. He "abused his powers" that kind of crap. This will go nowhere. Just because you can get a number of people on board with the idea of impeachment doesn't mean there are any grounds for it. And...treason? that is absurd! There is no basis for that one. Do you two know anything about what qualifies as an impeachable offense?

Joey, by posting this you are reinforcing the idea that you are absolutely incapable of any intellectual honesty or objectivity in regards to Bush.
Mmkay, just to put this juvenile topic back into perspective:

1. Bush has not been convicted of any high crimes or misdemeanors
2. The Constitution does not allow impeachment based on public opinion polls
3. The poll questions were likely something like, "Do you favor impeachment of President Bush for his many horrible war crimes, mismanagement of the war, and lying to the American people about WMDs, or not?"
4. Even if 2 and 3 were not the case, THIRTY SIX PERCENT IS JUST OVER A THIRD. SIXTY TWO PERCENT SAY NO. You cannot make a case that public opinion favors this when your poll numbers say they don't.

Really, Joey. You're trolling in your own forum now.
Entering into a treaty that willl supercede the authority of the US is treason. North American Union.
Suspending Habeas Corpus is at least an impeachable offense. Directly prohibited by the Constitution, yet W. decided to go ahead and do it.
I've got trees, and probably some rope. You go to DC and grab him up.
Entering into a treaty that will supersede the authority of the US is treason. North American Union.
Bush cannot enter into a treaty with anyone, only the senate can. Read your constitution. The North American Union is hardly a strong basis for impeachment anyhow; it really is nothing more then some insane conspiracy theory at present.

Suspending Habeas Corpus is at least an impeachable offense. Directly prohibited by the Constitution, yet W. decided to go ahead and do it.
It is questionable at best weather Bush has actually suspended habeas corpus. The people who he "suspended" habeas corpus from never had it to begin with. Remember, Lincoln did suspend habeas corpus for american citizens in the civil war.
Joey, by posting this you are reinforcing the idea that you are absolutely incapable of any intellectual honesty or objectivity in regards to Bush.

Really, Joey. You're trolling in your own forum now.


Actually - I agree with both of you - there aren't any grounds at this point for impeachment. It's a grandstanding ploy and will fail. Further, I believe it would be a waste of time and taxpayer dollars to pursue impeachment at this time.

Of course, I said the same thing about Clinton --

You guys have to realize, sometimes, I just like stirring the pot. :D
How can we, the American people, get out a majority of Congress???

They're all just a bunch of lyin', stinkin' no-gooders as well (both sides)...most of them have been entrenched up on Capitol Hill for decades...:rolleyes:

I'd love to see a real mixup in that "country club".

As with the successful Clinton impeachment, even if Bush were impeached by Congress he would not be forced to leave office because the Senate would not be able to convict him of any high crimes or misdemeanors.

I have to hand it to Bush though, at least he has been able to keep it in his pants during the last 8 years. I love seeing Bill at Hillary rallies, especially with all the news about him sleeping with A LOT of women over the past few years...
The North American Union is hardly a strong basis for impeachment anyhow; it really is nothing more then some insane conspiracy theory at present.
I have to take issue with your characterization. It may not be an issue that's at the forefront of the airwaves, but Bush certainly is making an effort to blur the borders, both with his amnesty attitude, and the intercontinental highway. It is not insane to think that there's something going on. Please don't throw out kneejerk phrases like that, it's off-putting.

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