For Sale 4.50" hub jig for drilling your hubs to a Mustang pattern.


Dedicated LVC Member
Oct 18, 2009
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Hey guys,

Selling my hub jig from my recent hub project. Seen here:



This thing is gravy to use, made this job a breeze and it is a beautiful, solid tool.

I will include the 39/64" drill bit with the jig. It has been sharpened a few times by me, and you will probably have to resharpen a few times during use, no matter how diligent you are with cutting oil. You need a 1/4" bit too, but they are cheap for a decent bit.

Please PM if interested.

$75 Shipped
sure. longer answer, maybe?

this are my redrilled mark viii rear hubs.
it is all flat, with plenty of extra radius. so you can go a little bigger and not ruin anything.


also of note, most (every one i have seen) mark viii front hubs look like this. the manufacturers have removed metal where there are no studs. so you can't drill there because you just don't have the supporting metal.


we also got lucky, as the 99-04 cobra mustang with IRS shares many parts with our IRS, the wheel hubs and bearings interchange, front and rear.

now this is an LS front hub.
the edge is tapered, with the studs are being pretty close to that taper. move the studs closer to the taper, and you might compromise the strength of the hub.


now, are all LS hubs tapered? do some have the full flat metal plate? maybe one manufacturer and not another? no idea. someone would have to do some leg work, pulling and measuring the hubs to be sure. but it certainly throws a curveball into the mix.

i couldn't find a good pic of an LS rear hub, so i am not sure about the rears yet. i will try to check the '00 LS this weekend.

i have tried to pull timken/koyo pictures because i know Ford likes to use them as original equipment.



Hmm, so it is doable as long as the structural integrity isn't compromised. I wonder about the Jag S-type hubs. This has got my gears turning, and if I could redrill, that would save me some money in the long run, and make my wheel selection open up by a vast margin.

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