45 mph shudder


Well-Known LVC Member
Aug 6, 2005
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Alright.. the car does the sound strip thing at 40-45. Is this the shift accumulator springs and piston upgrade that i need to do here? or might this be the MLPS/ neutral safety switch? In conjunction with theese im assuming mercon v and a cooler is what is in order
Have you tried a tranny flush? I heard that Ford created the tranny flush to solve the shudder..

My 95 had a shudder it was the torque conveter..

Does it happen if you are going up hill or when it down shifts...

I doubt it's the 1 2...
na it kinda happens when i give it like not alotta gas and im just driving normal seems always at 40-45..
DO THE TRANNY FLUSH. This fixed mine which was doing the exact same thing. INSIST on Mercron V fluid.
The tranny flush is correct, I would also pay for a tranny service a month later. The reason for this is that the flush will break loose a bunch of crap and the tranny filter can get clogged with crud and cause you problems.


You guys need to get a tranny flush NOW. Even with that, you probably only have 6 months to a year at the most before you will have to rebuild the tranny and replace the torque converter, because a flush doesn't get in and out of the converter. Start saving your pennies cuz this costs around $700-$1000.
My car was doing that too! i think it was the 2-3 shift. But im gettin my trans rebuilt with a new tc and it will solve my tranny problems! yay!
My car does the same thing, I need a flush and i will have it properly done with the droping of the pan. And isent there a way i read to get all the fliud out of the converter when it gets a flush.
.....isn't there a way i read to get all the fliud out of the converter when it gets a flush.

There's a bolt on the T/C that can be opened to drain the remaining fluid out of the torque converter. I forget if you put a socket on the crank with a breaker bar and twist the crank, you can reach the bolt. Careful though it holds a large ammount of fluid, but drains relatively slowly.
First you can't just drop the pan for a tranny flush.

Second the tranny flush is designed from what I know to replace the fluid in the torque converter that's what make the tranny flush so good..

The tranny flush like I said earlier was created by ford as a remedy of the shudder...

But if the shudder is still there after the flush... I would say it's your Torque Converter.

I did the flush with my 95 and after a few miles the shudder came back..

Took the Torque out and it was shot...

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