6K miles and ( almost ) no issues !


Well-Known LVC Member
Apr 28, 2015
Reaction score
Seacoast NH
Yup,,had it 6 thou miles now and as happy as a truck driver in a pickle park.

last week did a 1K mile trip and got 25 mpg,,better than my volvo ! :)

had some minor issues that seem to go away.

trunk leak fixed.

cruise control wonky sometimes.

brake lights went silly for a bit but fine now with little effort.

every once in awhile parking brake thinks it's on,ten second procedure to resolve.

second gear shifts hard sometimes but mostly never does that.

cd's stuck in the player but i dont care :)

Otherwise everything is fine and i really enjoy the car..
Probably the only smile I imagine any LS owner would make is once they're not an LS owner anymore :N
the key is to just have a cheap POS car for a daily beater... that way I always smile on the weekends when I take the Lincoln out!

unfortunately, after driving things that are not a decade old, that smile has faded to just a grin :(
I just smile when it actually gets me home! I did have a good "break down" I was waiting for Safelite to arrive and install this godly expensive windshield so since it has been pretty cold lately I had it running in the driveway when all of a sudden I hear hissing and see a vast amount of smoke coming from the LS.....yeap hose flew off the bypass pipe in front of the thermo. At least it broke down in my driveway so I smiled.
WOW.....I guess somebody never heard of "You get out what you put it". So much negativity. If you don't like the car get rid of it and buy another one. Geesh.
I know. A 15 year old car blew a heater hose. What a sh!t box! I'm never buying a (insert every car brand ever) ever again!
I've had a bunch of cars and this one has been the most amusing. Didn't mean to insult anyone's love for them or anything of the sorts. I've dumped more money into this car than I probably ever should have so excuse my poor humor I guess.

Actually I am trying to sell it for $1500 just can't seem to get it running long enough to get it safety and emission inspected. I'd hate to sell it with on going issues to the next guy/gal.
I've had a bunch of cars and this one has been the most amusing. Didn't mean to insult anyone's love for them or anything of the sorts. I've dumped more money into this car than I probably ever should have so excuse my poor humor I guess.

Actually I am trying to sell it for $1500 just can't seem to get it running long enough to get it safety and emission inspected. I'd hate to sell it with on going issues to the next guy/gal.

I bet its love/hate for most people, just sucks to come to an enthusiast board full of Debbie Downers- joking or not. Yeah, don't ever add up maintenance cost. Or how much gas you've burned... You'll cry. The only justification I can make is that I got a lot of miles out of mine and fixed it myself most of the time, thanks to sharing of experience on this forum. I'm still way ahead of the game compared to 10 years worth of car payments. In fact, I'm most sad my rocker panels are rotted- I'd keep throwing money at it otherwise!
I bet its love/hate for most people, just sucks to come to an enthusiast board full of Debbie Downers- joking or not. Yeah, don't ever add up maintenance cost. Or how much gas you've burned... You'll cry. The only justification I can make is that I got a lot of miles out of mine and fixed it myself most of the time, thanks to sharing of experience on this forum. I'm still way ahead of the game compared to 10 years worth of car payments. In fact, I'm most sad my rocker panels are rotted- I'd keep throwing money at it otherwise!

Actually that's what I did the other day getting all the invoices ready to put the info and repair dates on the Craigslist AD I went through them since 2011 and was depressed for a few days afterwards.....couldn't even look at her sitting there in my garage all clean and pretty.

I haven't been able to get many miles out of mine...maybe after being stranded and requiring a tow so many times I've just lost trust in her, thank god for Progressive Roadside. Not having car payments is a big benefit but the constant random issues sometimes makes me wonder if its worth it, of course depends on the line of work you're in. I must drive everywhere, everyday for work. Mine has the bubbling rust on the truck lid and above d/s rear wheel well.

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