6x8 door speakers


Well-Known LVC Member
Mar 19, 2011
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infinity reference is pretty good, kappa is better. and yes those are the right harness, they make the job about 9x easier.
infinity reference is pretty good, kappa is better. and yes those are the right harness, they make the job about 9x easier.

I have both, and in a 6x8 speaker the difference between them is minimal. I've had them for months now and they are both great speakers.
infinity reference is pretty good, kappa is better. and yes those are the right harness, they make the job about 9x easier.
that too and i just dont wanna cutt lol
I have both, and in a 6x8 speaker the difference between them is minimal. I've had them for months now and they are both great speakers.

thanks for clearing that question up for me:)

ima get them i mean i got those tokens for free:)
I'm running Infinity Reference door speakers. I haven't listened to the Kappas but if they are anything like the References you won't regret using either of them.
dude, that sh!t is all the rage right now, you didn't know?
Is it just me, or are you messing with us? Chuck E. Cheese tokens? LOL!

yeah, i work at chuckecheese and always come home with tokens lol gotta get ride of them somehow lol

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