80 thousand.


Well-Known LVC Member
Dec 14, 2005
Reaction score
Alright, well the car has officially hit 80K, and I have already replaced the 02 Sensors... any thing else need to be replaced?
JC1994 said:
my motto is "if it isn't broke don't fix it". just check out stuff in the front end for wear. :)

You know... sometimes that is very true. It seems like the more maintenance you do the more troble it can cause.
turborich said:
You know... sometimes that is very true. It seems like the more maintenance you do the more troble it can cause.

Especially on these cars.. it's like you tell the car "I'm going to fix this before it's a problem" and the next day it says "I think you should fix this too". "Oh, and I won't let you forget this!" "...While you're at it this is going to need replaced also".
Well, it has come down to it, that it is the 02 sensors. they need to replace the front ones now. Hopefulyl this is the last thing.

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