91 Tc Ss


New LVC Member
Oct 24, 2004
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Hey All

Current owner of a 1991 Lincoln Town Car Signiture Series. I have a few questions that I would appreciate others possibly helping me with.

Air ride was to the ground when I obtained it, checked the pump and that is working correctly although there is currently no line hooked to it. I have managed to locate the filler line for the rear air bags as well as another line that is connected to a large Air plenun on the driver side firewall, which appears to be part of the cruise control system both lines are currently unhooked even though the cruise control is working properly. Could someone please advise me as to where the proper afore mentioned lines are to be attached. I have already taken the necessary steps to trickout the air ride to raise it for normal operation but would like to make changes to revert back to factory specifications.

Upon further inspection I have also noticed that one of the rear shocks is not functioning properly therefore I would like to replace them. The top of the shock mount is located between the frame and the body of the car and I am unable to determine what the best way is to remove the nut from there, any ideas in this area would be appreciated.

Thanks for any help that is offered

Information Needed

Could someone that has the similar vehicle please take a look under their hood and respond to my original posting below. The picture attached shows the pump from the tech forum, I am looking for the specific information of what is attached to where from the orange circle of the pump please.

"I have managed to locate the filler line for the rear air bags as well as another line that is connected to a large Air plenun on the driver side firewall, which appears to be part of the cruise control system both lines are currently unhooked even though the cruise control is working properly. Could someone please advise me as to where the proper afore mentioned lines are to be attached."

Bro i believe that is the line going to the bags. Does air come out of there when it is running. if when you are driving the compressor stays running without stopping, be sure to unplug it, or you may have to buy a new compressor soon.

I believe there is only one line going to the bags. The air line that comes from the cruise control is strange. I believe there is only one large air line from the cruise control. What color is the mystery line that you found by the firewall??? That could possilby be an egr line.

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