95 continental 4.6 V8 Coolants help please



Every day i check the coolant level no matter the car is on or off cold or hot
the coolant level yously seems to be at the same level
is somthing rong
my Ac and Heat work when it needs to nothing over heats everything runs good
what could be going on or is it saposed to be like this
You should be good. Flush & refill every 15,000 miles...
ok cool iv been doing it every 20,000
but it,s time for another one preaty soon
just about 500 dollar short trying to strech out a little longer had to pay insurnace deductable this month yously i get the oild change synthetic every 3,000 miles but im gona go 6,000 this time just to save the extra cash and a few other things im cutting down on but minor nothing big just had the tranny flushed like 2,000 miles ago
bigdog1279 said:
Every day i check the coolant level no matter the car is on or off cold or hot the coolant level yously seems to be at the same level
Everybody should be so lucky. If it is not moving, all is good.
I have not done the ratiator flushed yet. I bought the car with 73000 miles and it has 125000 miles on it now. It has not given me any problem yet but I am going to do it soon.

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