95 mark squeak


Well-Known LVC Member
Feb 20, 2012
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Well I put a new tensioner On and didn't do anything. Old tensionser is less than year old all parts are. Idler, tensioner, power steering pump pulley because it had a small wobble, alternator. Everything but a\c and water pump ive replaced. Everything spins great except the altinator has a little squeak. Any advice?
Well I put a new tensioner On and didn't do anything. Old tensionser is less than year old all parts are. Idler, tensioner, power steering pump pulley because it had a small wobble, alternator. Everything but a\c and water pump ive replaced. Everything spins great except the altinator has a little squeak. Any advice?

Keep changing them until you get it. Try the idler pulley next.
A bad water pump bearing will really make some annoying noise. It's an easy swap and if bad, you should be able to grab the pulley on the outside to see if it has any play.
Sounds like you found your problem already -alternator squeak?
Water pump doesn't make a noise, yes I'm for sure it's the alternator. But it's not even a year old): one more thing to replace for a second time lol
alternator is easy to swap on these cars though. i got tired of replacing them and rebuilt it myself. new bearings, voltage regualtor and brushes.

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