95 mark VIII shift problem


LVC Member
Nov 22, 2005
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My 95 mark VIII with 55,000 miles has no shifting problem besides when I am either coasting around a long turn and try to accelerate moderately or I just accelerate slowly the car seems to chug and studder in between 2nd and 3rd gear. It seems to me the car shifts into the next gear (3rd)too early when its coasting and when you go to get on the gas again it has trouble accelerating unless you give it enough gas to down shift. Has anybody else experienced this problem?
Common problems: 1-2 accumulator (doesn't sound like it) MLPS (sounds possible) or torque converter. Do a search on the 3.
Sounds kind of like my tranny. Sorry though, don't know exactly what it is.
When it "shifts early" do the RPM drop to like 1000 and very slowly climb? I'm thinking its a torque convertor problem, and my 2-3 shift is bad as well. Mine is a 96 with 119000.
not sure but i think i had this same problem on my 94......
it was only in the city like when you hover around 30 mph...
i tryed out a few thing and the best thing i got to work was simply turn OD off while in the city....ha
shudder problem

I had same problems i did searches and ended up replacing all the fluid in tranny with mercron 5 and new filter along with up gradeing the accumulator ford dealer has the parts for under 50.00 the fluid and filter is also about 50.00 it was well worth it thanks dave
yeah thats what I did to try and fix the problem. I had the tranny flushed 3 days ago. What do you mean when you say "do a search on 3"? Scan the computer? Now that you mentioned it, it could be the torque converter. It seems like the converter may be trying to lock up too early when when I try to pull out of the 30 to 35 mph range it chugs. (thanks for all of the replies.)

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