96 hid housings and 2 bulbs and 2 ballast if intersted shoot me a price


New LVC Member
May 25, 2012
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louisville ky
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all mounts are good lens and reflector are perfectasking $500 this is the last time i'm gonna list these i will be ebaying them if i dont sell them here






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I just bought a set myself and I'm not trying to take up for this seller at all but.... he is including two ballasts and two original bulbs which will sell on ebay and then you'll end up paying probably less than $300 for the housings. I personally wouldn't want the original ballasts and bulbs but there are people out there that do. Aftermarket HID's are brighter and better and if a bulb goes bad, you're looking at $15 or so, not $100

I do have to say that better pics could have been taken. $500 on ebay I doubt will ever happen. Just ask Sonny. He'll tell you how much their worth seeing how he just about bought up every set there ever was on ebay from 2004 till 2008 and some went for $800 and some went for $1300 but the majority sold to him for right at $1000.00 for the pair, with bulbs and ballasts.

I'm not saying what I paid for mine from Mike because he might not want that out there but they are housings only, just like I wanted and DLF will get another $50 or so out of me for rings and I'm buying 9006 Phillips 6000K bulbs for the lows and using my current 9005 6000K's in the highs.

$500 sounds like a lot but if you get them and sell the bulbs alone, you'll get right at $100 or more from each one. Sometimes you have to play a game to get something at the cost you want it for. I would certainly want to see better pics than this because if ebay are getting the same, they ain't selling there.

I think the seller here should consider selling the bulbs himself on ebay for $100 each and sell the ballasts separately also on ebay and then put the housings on here for us Mark VIII fans for around the $300 range and go from there. JMO
Ya I'd pay $300 for housings all day long...could care less about bulbs

Same here but there seriously are people out there that will pay $100+ for those things and the seller here needs to take that into consideration, along with taking some better pics with a digital camera or a better phone camera. Not sure what he's using but it's not set right or is low quality ~shrugs~

Note to seller: Look at this so you can help out a member here on a site that cares about these cars and will take care of the housings.


That's just one of about 10 total, all at different prices but you will sell the bulbs on ebay. Housings, bulbs and ballasts, I'm not seeing it happen. I saw a pair of LSC housings listed at $400 & something and they dropped the price daily on them and they finally sold at $348 for both but they were near mint condition.
I'd leave the price where it is, imho.

That is a good deal with bulbs and ballasts, and like NoLimit mentioned who ever buys it can sell the bulbs and get some cash back, or the seller can do that himself (for example: if you got 75 for each bulb and 50 for the ballasts, then 300 for the housing is very good for a nice clean set, someone is getting a deal.) Yes some better pics would help too though ;)

And Sorry NoLimit, I don't agree that the factory stuff isn't as bright, these lights are just as bright as aftermarket, I've tried both, in both types of lenses...

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