New LVC Member
Heres my situation. I just got a 97 Continental...for free...The problem was my cousin couldn't start it and it had a big fat dent in the door from where someone backed into it. My dad asked what they were going to do with it and they were going to have it dumped! We said nope. They said if you can fix it you can have it. The title was signed we went to the trunk hit the fuel switch started it and left. Now, here is my problem. I was running low on funds and since you have to finance a tank of gas these days I couldn't fill er up... or put any in for that matter. Well the guage read 10 miles left but wouldn't start. It would crank but not turn over...So I got a few gallons on payday (next day)now it reads 67 miles but it wont start! It cranks but no fire! I messed with the fuel switch, I checked the fuses, unhooked the battery all to no avail. I tested the shrader valve and gas shot out like a mini Mt. Vesuvius! I was wondering if anyone had an idea? Anything I missed? Please help! Thanks!!