97 Continental Rough Idle with SES light


LVC Member
Sep 9, 2005
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Any ideas on this condition before I have the Emissions tested with OBDII scanner??
It could be alot of things and make sure you don't go to the dealership, go to auto advance and they will do it for free.
mark0101 said:
It could be alot of things and make sure you don't go to the dealership, go to auto advance and they will do it for free.

ya get your codes pulled from Auto and see what they come up with. I've had a slight jerk whem im stopped at red lights it's like the car just wants me to speed in it :D I put a little premium in it and shes all set ... but anyways ya get your codes pulled :shifty:
Rough idle

97's use cables rather than 8 individual coils like the 98 Continental and up. These Intech engines sufer with the valve Cover gaskets and sometimes, overtime small amounts of oil leak where the spark plugs/cables are. That why sometimes they look wet when U pull them out. At the right amount it causes the car to miss, But it takes a while for it to fill again after U clean it up. Had the same problem on a 97 once where also it failed emissions testing, I changed the mass airflow meter, tuned it up, cleaned the throttle body ( Air Intake ) and replaced the oxygen sensors and alls well ever since.

Instead of doing all that, find someplace where they give vehicle diognostics. Usually the problems are pin pointed well. When I mean well, they can even tell U that u're low on Freon ( A/C charge ) by the computer.
Scan Code

Ok. . got the SES scanned and here is what the print out reads:

The PCM system has determined that the catalyst efficiency for bank 2 is below threshold for the current engine operating conditions.

(Bank 1 identifies the cylinder #1. while bank #2 identifies the cylinders on the opposite bank)

So what does that mean? A new Catalytic Converter? An Oxygen Sensor? Any help will be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!

The rough idle has returned to normal and there is plenty of POWER in acceleration. No noticeable engine problems at all. 150k+ miles.

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