97 continental trans problems


LVC Member
Sep 9, 2005
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shudder in 1st gear only. . but sometimes its ok and shifts right into 2cd with no hint of a problem. . .changed filter and fluid and added shuddergone additive. . .

if you have had this 1st gear shudder and solved the problem, please leave me a post. or if you have had your transmission repaired, leave a post on what you paid and if it was worth it. someone told me the engine has to be removed when repairing the transmission???

thanks for your help!
I have the same problem, on first it shifts really hard to second but some times it shifts smooth. Before that, I think my tranny was sliping but I did a fluid change and it was alot better afterwards
this is a long shot but i has a slight shudder in my trans on my 200 conti when i first got her. then the check transmission came on took it back to the dealer and they had it looked at. Came back as the Torque Converter was getting ready to go so they put that in new with a new transmission. may not even be that with your trans..
How does that shudder feel like? If it feels like something moving in the front end, it could be a Motor Mount. But I have to recall, before I started using my 98, I uzed a 97 with 141K. The motor mounts were a bit week because I felt that the first gear felt a bit harsh but it was actually the engine moving to excessivelly and that also applied to when I hit the gas too hard in reverse since this is frontwheel drive.

The shudder issue u'all feel I started feeling when the car reached 157K where when the overdrive was kicked in and during the final gear( it would shudder in a way you thought u were driving on rough pavement). Until finally I lost the forth gear. The tranny didn't slip but it's like it turned into a 3 speed all the sudden and at 80MPH the RPM was at 4000. Fixing it would cost more than what I bought the car for so thats when the 98 came in.
Transmission overhaul question

My Trans problem is calling for an overhaul for sure now. . . it is more than a shudder as it actually slips going into second gear now. . . however, letting up on the gas allows the gear to shift into second and all is well for the ride to Walmart. A trans overhaul is in its future though. . . I have been advised to also overhaul the torque converter while I am at it. . any thoughts on the cost of this overhaul. . . so far I have an estimate of $1600.
The tranny isn't whats expensive, Romoving and replacing the tranny in place is the pricey part of the game, from the tight space to work because of the massive engine. I believe that the engine might have to be lowered, not sure though.
repair cost update

Jasper engine and transmissions has given me a quote over the phone for my transmission: AX4N comes with 3 year/ 75,000 mile non prorated warranty. $2922 includes the $650 core/skid fee bringing it down to $2272. They rebuild the tranny with upgraded parts superior from the factory parts it came with. Labor is running about $350 here in NC and its hard to find mechanics who will mess with it. My expense looks like it will be in the $2600 range if I choose to keep the car. Jasper phone: 800.476.8270 extension 109 and ask for Brian.
I also have an option of getting a junkyard transmission and paying the $350 to have it installed. Dont know what those are running yet at the local junkyards.:(

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