97 Transmission Studder - Error Code P1744


LVC Member
Oct 9, 2004
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Pike Road
I have a 1997 Continental with 214,000 miles. Recently, I came to a stop at a T in the road, the motor running, the car would not move. After a few seconds it began to move again. I drove an additional 3 miles. I had a DTC P1744 (Torque Converter Clutch error). I checked with the local parts house, they suggested Lucus Transmission Fix and Dr. Transmission Shudder Fix.

I added both products (I change the transmission oil & filter every 25,000). I have run the car for 5,000 miles since. No DTC codes. No other problem except for a shudder shifting between 3rd & 4th. It shifts at 20 mph, 35, 55 & a hard shaking shift again at 56.

I have not drained the torque converter with each oil change. Is that causing the problem? Do I have a torque converter problem? Do I have a PCM problem? Do I have a TCC problem?

I will appreciate any help I can get.
When you change the fluid make sure you are using Mercron V fluid. You should not need the additives. I would be concerned about the code though.
My dads old 97 did something light that before going to 4th gear until 3000 miles afterwards, we lost 4th gear. It didn't slip, it just stayed on 3rd as if it transformed into a 3 speed or something. Those fluid don't works once problems like this happen. Though while the shudder existed, it was noticed that it would hardly do it when the A/C was off. But still it will become a great problem later.

Ford RWD's do that when a tranny is abused or unserviced. But it's more gear related wear.
Mercon V was created initally to help with the stutter even at much lower milage it became factory fill in 99 I believe. But it is back specd as well to previous years asking for mercon III. Typically the stutter was around 35-45 mph. As mentioned addatives may help but probably there is a part needing replaced/rebuilt.
After the comments on this thread and visiting with several people about this transmission, I decided to have it rebuilt. It appears a needle bearing in the torque converter disintegrated and did some serious damage in the transmission to the pump and several other components. It is now running again is working like new. Thanks!
The Power of these engines is murder for these transmissions. ( I Mean, Disintegrated ??)

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