99 Continental Power Windows, Locks & Mirror Problem


New LVC Member
Aug 16, 2009
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Central Illinois
I have a 99 Continental that mechanically is running fine. But, The power windows, door locks and mirrors do not work properly. Also, which may or may not be related, the display sometimes displays Low Washer Fluid, despite the fact the reservoir is fill.

The power windows do not operate properly from any of the switches. When I press the button in the down position, I hear a click and the window sometimes moves down a very small amount and stops. The same behavior occurs when I press the up button.

The power door locks do not function from any door lock/unlock buttons.

The power windows do not appear to move at all when using the controls.

I opened up the drivers side door and discovered a module that the buttons are a part of that also connects to the power lock and power window controls. I thought that this must be the part that went bad, so I ordered a working used module and replaced it. Unfortunately, the new obtained used module did not fix or improve the problem.

What else should I check? Any assistance is greatly appreciated!
Wow not really sure. Are the windows on track? Make sure nothing is blocking them. As for the locks maybe a fuse??? Sorry I can't be of more help.
Ok after working on this today, I've determined the problem is with one of the power feeds to the box inside the drivers door. I have significantly less voltage from fuse 39.

I tested by using a voltmeter and holding the positive probe to the 39 fuse socket and the negative to a good ground in the car (the ground is definitely good). The voltmeter only read about 10V. I took a reading at the plug that goes into the driver's door box and I'm only getting a little over 1V.

Since the voltage is 10V at the fuse box, that seems to indicate the problem is upstream.

According to the electrical manual, fuse 39 gets it's power from fuse 1 in the battery junction box. I tested power at fuse 1 and it test out at least 12V. Between fuse 1 and fuse 39 the manual indicates a connection point with mating connectors (C139) and a splice point (S313).

I think the problem is with one of these two sections (maybe some corrosion or something). But, I can't seem to locate these in the car.

The manual lists C139 as located "LH rear of engine compartment, on cowl panel."

The manual list S313 as located "14A005 near T/O to In-Line C343M."

Can anyone provide a better description as to where these are located? Do I need to remove something to get to them?

Any assistance is appreciated.
Turned out the problem was corrosion with the wire between the battery junction box and the fuse box. Frustrated with not being able to locate this wire, I just took it to a local repair shop. I'm glad I did, they replaced the wire for about 70 bucks and everything is working now.

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