99 Towncar Problems Starting on cold mornings.

99 Towncar

LVC Member
Jan 28, 2008
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On cold mornings my Towncar has a great deal of problems starting. It isn't throwing any codes and all the sensors seem to be performing normaly. However it had several misfire codes saved in the computer. Acording to the Chiltons Manual trouble shooting guide the problem lies in either the fuel pump or clogged fuel injectors. Has anyone had any similar problems? If so what did you do? Thanks Tom
I did recently have to fix a vacum line on the intake.



And had my cowel drain pan filling up and overflowing into my heater vent.



same problem different day

sounds like a vacum line

I fixed that.:(

It threw some codes at me last night. Too lean Bank 1 and too lean bank 2.

I had a friend of mine with a really nice code scanner come over and check it out.

TPS 18.8
rpm 856
load 22.4
maf lb/m .55
ct% 200
iat (degrees f) 54
ign adv 15
ltftrm1 18.8
stftrm1 (jumped around from -.8 to -2.3 I think)
ltftrm2 20.3
stftrm2 jumped around(-3.9 to -2.3)
fuel system closed loop
o2 .1 to .850

My problem is I'm not sure what the different components are? Does anyone know?
It would be your IAC. Cause turn over with no start, or starts and just dies, if you hold the gas it will run and clank (not good) surgeing, and wierd idle. Usually only will do it when it is cold outside.
IAC won't throw a code.
still sounds like a vacum line make shure all lines are tight and just clean the IAC to make shure it is working
still sounds like a vacum line make shure all lines are tight and just clean the IAC to make shure it is working

I took the Idle Control Valve off and it still looked clean. I just replaced it last year. I also checked the vacum lines, they all seem to be tight and there is no hissing sounds that I can hear where there would be a leak. I do have quite a bit of ticking noise coming from around the fuel injector area.

Acording to the dreaded autozone a too lean bank one and bank two codes together could be:

-fuel pressure
-mass air flow sensor defective
-oxygen sensor defective
-Ignition misfire-repair
-Fuel injector problem

I have some fuel injectors on the way and at this point I doing know if I need to start replacing sensors or what.:confused: :(

I have also been told to look for a intake manifold leak as well.
have you tried to clean your maf
you can also check your own fuel prissure there is a schaeder (sp) valve on tlhe fuel rail
Well it was an intake manifold leak. I went ahead and updated the intake manifold while I was at it. And I figured while I was doing that I might as well go ahead and do the PI intake swap for more horsepower.





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