a/c actin weird


Well-Known LVC Member
Aug 6, 2005
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So im driving home from football practice and its raining like crazy and i hit the max ac in my 97 mark, and it doesnt go on... So i obviously start turnin off and on and it seems to work fine.. than went out worked fine, went out again started not workin again.. than it works again?????????? Does it not work when the inside of the car reaches the temp its set or somethin? Or does this sound like a sensor bout to go? or is the blower motor bout to go? fuses? bad ground? any ideas or is this a common symptom of something... thanks guys you have been helpful on this form as im 20 yrs old and feel like the richest man around driving my mark and you have helped me keep it running without being Raped at the mechanic ps their is 104k on it
I'm having a hard time figuring out what you mean. Do you mean the fan goes out...then comes back on? or the A/C compressor clutch is cycling?

If your talking about the blower motor, it sounds like a bad connection. if the compressor clutch, prolly low on R134
94m5 said:
I'm having a hard time figuring out what you mean. Do you mean the fan goes out...then comes back on? or the A/C compressor clutch is cycling?

If your talking about the blower motor, it sounds like a bad connection. if the compressor clutch, prolly low on R134
air just stops comin outta the vents, than all of sudden it works fine again... like it seems like it shuts off and turns back on ??????????
na its on max ac and it does this stuff... will randomly shut off wont turn on for nothin than like a min or 2 later turns on like a bad ground or somethin???????????? any1 have any useful knowledge on this?
no but i have another ? like this kinda
My ac when on Max ac seems to be warmer then it is when its on AUto
and when on AUTO it never turns of just stays on all the time

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