This is my last post to you.
Aww. Just when it was getting fun....
You're just another forum troll, there are many like you all over the net.
Freud, move over. This guy has you beat on psychology. Apparently, he has me all figured out... OVER THE INTERNET! wow... Where did you get your PhD from, Dr. Adrian?
You think you know more then the next guy and talk big but don't provide anything to back it.
I never said, claimed or otherwise implied I know more than some of the guys here. But you'd know, seeing how you've read EVERY single one of my posts... you haven't? Well damn... There you fail again!... Such a shame.
Ass #1
My advice to you is to see professional help form a psychiatrist.
I do that 3 times a year. It's work related mandatory. So far... they say I'm a little nuts, but still relatively sane. Maybe I should have Dr. Adrian call them and tell them you got me all figured out... over the internet!
I'm willing to bet your problems stem much further then acting like a big shot on car forums.
I can only laugh at that comment. I am curious though... How did you arrive at the deduction that I act like a big shot on the forums? You read ALL of my posts, didn't you? Oh. Silly me... Must be that Cracker Jack psychiatry degree again.
You probably have serious social issues and use the internet to live out your fantasy life.
Oh. So I'm supposed to live my REAL life on the internet? WTF would I do in real life then? That makes no sense, Dr. Adrian. Care to expand on this a little, please?
You try to twist words to win arguments, reread what I said and maybe you will understand, but I'm not holding my breath.
I don't TRY to twist words. No need, when people like you open mouth and insert foot... voluntarily.
Very good with the old "ASS-U-ME" line. I haven't heard that one before, you're real original. Let me point out a few assumptions you made, HYPOCRITE!
I never said all of my material is original, now did I?
"$90 bucks as opposed to a few hundred for replacing a potentially good DCCV."
-I'm sure you looked up how much the part will cost.
A few hundred could be anything from $200.01 to $999.99. So, technically... I was correct. Add labor in the equation, and I bet you'll be over $200.01.
"Are mommy and daddy paying for the repair, then? In that case... I stand corrected."
-You're not assuming anything here.
Oh, so mommy and daddy ARE paying for your LS? Must be nice! Would they maybe consider adopting me?
Did mommy and daddy not love you enough?
Nope. They sure didn't. When I was a kid, they hated me so much, I never had any toys to play with... Only thing I had to play with, were my nuts... So... I got pretty good at playing with my nuts.
"Oh, it's obvious you have no idea."
-I could be your daddy for all you know.
Daddy!? Why didn't you love me?... Oh wait... My Daddy's name isn't Adrian. And he wasn't an internet shrink. He was an honest to goodness Veterinarian in the old country.
"Another pinhead who's read EVERY SINGLE post of mine."
-Like I have time to research every douche who has something to say on the web.
There you go. You just failed... AGAIN! You're losing credibility here, Adrian.
"Dude, you either have too much time on your hands, or you're assuming I'm always an ass."
-Really it's either of those too things?
Yeah... You would have known which one it is, had you... I don't know...
read ALL my posts?. But since you didn't, you're making an ass of yourself.
"Now then... Go ask mommy and daddy for money to fix your... their...? LS."
-Again you don't really know what your talking about.[/quote]
But.. But.. But... you just said
"Are mommy and daddy paying for the repair, then? In that case... I stand corrected."
-You're not assuming anything here.
So which is it? You're getting your arguments mixed up. See? I don't have to twist your words. You're doing it all on your own.
There won't wont be another drawn out thread here. Your ignored, piss off someone else kid. And if I assumed wrong that you're not a kid, then grow up!
My... ignored? Oh.. you mean "You're". Gotcha. Huked on Fonix werked for you too, huh? Best $1 I ever spent.
Ass #...3? or was it #4, now?
But I don't wanna grow up! I wanna be a Toys R Us kid forever!...