A Deer Hunter's Wet Dream - Hey Derek!!! Check this out


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
Reaction score
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
How would you like to wake up opening day and see this.

Ok for those who enjoy the actual hunt it wouldn't be too exciting but!!!


Ok a little corn can go a long way!

Hi Guys

Hold on a minute I need a quiet moment in the rest room!

Mespock said:
Ok for those who enjoy the actual hunt it wouldn't be too exciting..

You got that right it's the whole experiance not just taking the shot.


Dereck said:
You got that right it's the whole experiance not just taking the shot.



I agree, we have so many guys who bait deer. That is not thrill. I like the actual hunt, then the kill then the best part the meal. If I can't eat it I don't want to hunt or kill it.

It's the whole experience.

I have a friend who is going black bear hunting this spring. He has heired a person to bait the bear for him. Now all he has to do is drive to the spot, climb a tree, and kill the bear coming to fee in the trash pile.

Doesn't seem like that is hunting.
Hi Mespock

Not too many bears in the UK, I think there are three or four at The London Zoo :D

Baiting a magnificent animal like a bear just to kill it for the hell of things is completely abhorrent, it's not as if it is a necessity of survival.

I can go out hunting severall weeks running, not take a shot and still have a fantastic time, I have spent close to an hour on more than one occasion watching a group of deer through my rifle scope unable to get a clear, safe shot on one animal and walked away.

The times you do get a shot in more than make up for all the times you don't, there is always another day!

From the pictures of your hometowm it looks like you have some prime hunting country round abouts, when is your deer season? :lol:

Take care my friend

Deer season use to be 9 day from the Saturday before our Thanksgiving Day to the Sunday after. (Late November)

But in some areas the population has grown so large that they have open up extra seasons.

We also have CWD in our area (Chronic Wasting Disease). So they are trying to wipe out some of the larger herds. We have small patches of woods and most of the land is privately owned. The Deer tend to congregate in small area what our Department of Natural Resources claim is part of the problem.

I've lost some interest in Deer hunting lately as the seasons have changed and I just haven't caught on to the on slot that some of our area Red Neck feel is so cool.

I'm like you I can sit and wait for a good clean shot. If it's not there I will not shoot. I've let some very nice deer go by.

Personally I prefer a young Doe to the large bucks. I enjoy the meet. You can't eat antlers, but I guess I wouldn't let a trophy go by.

I have gotten more into Wild Turkey hunting. I have found this to be a lot of fun. I like calling them in and talking with them with my call box.

But it's kind of morbid to think what you are doing. Imitating a female turkey saying come on over here and get some. Then just as Old Tom is thinking he's getting lucky Bang!!! LOL...
Thats the WORST hunt EVER! i dont see a SINGLE buck in the croud. its like waking up on christmas, when your a kid, and seeing the whole room filled to the roof with presants, to only find out its all CLOTHES!
MrWilson said:
That's the WORST hunt EVER! I don't see a SINGLE buck in the crowd.....

Hi Mr Wilson

That is why there are so many does, a$$holes only want to shoot bucks!


Dereck said:
Hi Mr Wilson

That is why there are so many does, a$$holes only want to shoot bucks!



Then slap my grandma and call me an a$$hole
MrWilson said:
Then slap my grandma and call me an a$$hole

Hi Mr Wilson

I have no intention of slapping your grandma or calling you an a$$hole and apologise if my statement came over as a personal attack, I am curious though as to why you only want to shoot bucks?

You get the same sport shooting a doe, in fact in the UK deer population the does are a lot more alert and a lot harder to stalk up on than bucks making for better sport.

Once you have a trophy head hanging in your lounge, why do you need another? If you want to control the deer population you need to shoot the does and save the strong bucks to maintain a healthy gene pool.


I agree Derek. We have so many areas here where hunters are so fustrated with the doe polulation.

Too many doe in a herd chase off the buck population from an area. You need to deplete the doe poplulation. Only problem I guess is you are not a man if you don't shoot a buck. LOL...

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