LVC Member
The other night me and 3 of my friends were diving my stock 97 Lincoln Mark8. I haven't had it long i was showing my friends what it had, because they were giving me a hard time about it being a grandpa's car. Then I pull up beside this guy in a 96 Pontiac firebird with a 3.8L 5 speed. I rev my engine he looks over and laugh's at me and then he revs his. We were both turning left he was in the left lane and i was in the right. The light turns green and we take off. Of course he has the advantage by being on the inside. He is about a car length ahead of me by the time we are going straight. he stays about the same distance ahead until i hit 4th gear and i pass him with no problem and i end up beating him by three car lengths. I can't believe it. My friends have not downed my "Granpa's" car ever since.