Abnormal Failsafe Issue


Active LVC Member
Feb 6, 2017
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St. Louis
My Lincoln ls8 intermittently goes into failsafe mode. The abnormal part is that I am limited to 3000 rpm rather than just limp mode. I can drive all day long at 80 on the highway and have no problems. The car has 8 new coil packs and plugs. I only receive a p2106 code and that's it. The car runs and drives great. I am at a loss and need to get the car inspected this week.
Are the eight new COPs Motorcraft?
Did you verify the plug gaps as 1.0mm exactly?
Check/clean the MAF?
Any ABS issues?

I am sympathetic. Every so often, my 04 throws ETC failsafe, and until the last time (so far) it was always just P2106. A month ago, it did it three or four times in one day and also threw a code for stuck throttle. I've scoped for misfires and don't see any. Of course, I haven't scoped when it actually triggered ETC failsafe, so it's still possible that it is coil related. Anyway, I swapped the throttle bodies between my 04 and my 06. That was a month ago, and so far neither car has triggered ETC failsafe (or any other issue). The 04 had gone more than a month before between failsafes, so I'm still waiting for one or the other to mess up so that I will know if it is the actual throttle assembly, or something else.
Well I did check the gaps as well as clean maf. Last night I reinstalled the software which my car was behind on. I currently have an abs light on as well as advance track errors once I start driving. Do you suppose this could be related?
Yes, wheel speed sensors / ABS problems can trigger a particular ETC failsafe mode. If the PCM can't be certain what speed the car is traveling, it has to change to an alternate throttle control strategy. However, if you aren't having any speedometer issues, then this probaby isn't the problem. Still, I like to fix every clear issue that I can before troubleshooting the mystery problems. It reduces the possible variables involved in the mystery.
Wow you're right. My speedometer won't exceed 20 until it flags advance track and abs. Then it works like normal.
I just remembered. When I drive my car, I either get a check advance track warning and then no etc, or etc failsafe and then check advance track. We must be into something here
Yep. You need a scan tool that can read the ABS and other module codes. I think the Forscan is probably the cheapest one that can.
I have access to one which can read it. I'll let you know what I find after work
Also possibly check/clean/re-seat all four wheel speed sensor connectors.
... just for fun because you can without opening the wallet just yet.

* Placing 10$ bet * :: Right Rear wheel speed sensor input missing :: :rolleyes:
Rigs Right .... Naahhhh a bit of a guess simply because the right side of the car rides the dirty side of the road. I've just always noted that crap no matter what always seems to break on the right side of the vehicles first. Parts on that side are often a few more dollars compared to left side parts. Plus my 2016 Pete, had a slew of issues with wheelspeed sensors getting wet and thus failing to provided the PCM with a rotation number that the ABS and Traction control so desperately needs. Or I should say, the PCM needs in order to calculate the values needed to apply braking or traction control.

Common issue all around really. Can't read wheel speed, equals can't operate ABS and or traction control. Flags it as a fault and is considered disabled as in INOP.

In trucking, although not a major out of service defect, the driver can refuse to drive the equipment simply due to the fact that it becomes a workplace health and safety issue. Those are two built in safety features now not provided. Imagine some good old wheel lock or spin at the wrong time with 80k lbs shoving you down an icy hill.
Talk about code brown. I'm going to pick up a sensor today after class. Hopefully the connector isn't too difficult to reach. Thanks for the advice and info. Once I'm finished I'll let ya know if we can write this off as an other possible cause for the infamous etc failsafe.
Sure enough the lights on the dash are off and I have yet to receive any warnings. Thanks for the info. Now if only I could get the cooling system to bleed
Often, when it won't bleed (I assume you are using the gen II factory procedure) it is because there is/are leak(s).
I don't have any leaks that I can see. I am going to assume that it has pockets due to the previous owner. As I have owned the car, my faith in this particular PO is dwindling
Rigs Right .... Naahhhh a bit of a guess simply because the right side of the car rides the dirty side of the road. I've just always noted that crap no matter what always seems to break on the right side of the vehicles first.

That depends on what part of the lane you drive. Seriously... in the "rust belt" when looking and working on vehicles,,, it doesen't take much to learn where a person drives in their lane... especially during winter.

My son's vehicle has more rust on the chassis and body on the right side. So does my ex-wife's. My vehicles rust evenly... so I run center. I have a couple friends that are afraid of the ditches on the right... so their vehicles are rusted more on the left, (slush between right and left lanes, (or thieir's and oncoming traffic lanes on 2 lane roads).


If I had to venture a guess,,, you hug the right side of the outboard lane. Probably from the habit of trying to stay out of the way of "4 wheelers".
I value my life but mostly because them turban wearing new Canadians so called Profesional Truck drivers run the mustard line too often.

Tend to hang to the right on the Mayo line when facing apposing traffic. Don't see why anyone wouldn't. Gotta stay clear and ready for distracted motorists crossing the center line.

At night with little or no traffic, I'll run somewhat in the middle of the road. Gives me a bit of room to hang either side should them monster Moose come sprinting out of the woods.

No matter who drives what, one has to focus on positioning themselves on the roadways properly and correctly at all times.

Better chance of survival into ditch or woods compared to an oncoming.
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Experiences tell us that the moonroof glass will hold up once again.
Wow. Have you ever hit a moose? I was with a buddy who ran over a bunch of deer laying in the road.
Not gotten anywhere near any Moose in a passenger car but with the trucks I often get close to them. As matter a fact since i last posted I spotted two large males, one was halfway on top of the snow bank on my right side coming around a bend. He stayed put though, I was already leaning to the left.

You may need to know that I run the Trans Canada Hwy 17 Westwards then back East every week. These area's are mostly dense Canadian wilderness. A lot of Wildlife population.

Closest I've ever come was around a bend at full clip during the blackness of the night, I see something large down the end of my high beams, I get on the binders to see two moose standing in the middle of the road kissing. It takes a lot to stop a large semi like this and by the time I got a half a football field down the road, both scattered in opposite directions into the berm and I split them in the middle. That one gave me a good scare.

Another time, one large monster standing still in my lane and direction of travel. Slowing down hard while cooking the brakes, instead if running to either side into the woods, this silly moose started running down the road in front of me, same direction. As much slowing down as I could, I was nipping at its rear end while laying on the big horn. She jumped to the right into the snowy ditch just in time.

I've got a whole dash cam archive back home of close calls but never to date have I hit one.

Came close to flipping the whole rig over the rails and down a cliff for a black bear that couldn't make up his mind on which direction he wanted to flee.

Seen plenty of already hit moose or deer here and there, even police hooking on chains and dragging them away to a side road.

Seen plenty of big rig wrecks into the woods due to moose. Even stopped once at night for a tractor trailer laying down on its side, with two lads coming through the front windshield with their bags in hand.
Asked if they ok and what happened .... swerved for a moose, lost control and capsized.

Seen plenty of abandoned pickup trucks or passenger cars, front ends totalled with yellow police tape around them.

Fatals are very possible when hitting large animals like that. More so in a passenger car.

If you ever hit a moose and it's just laying there, no blood, no broken legs, get the hell out of there or stay in the car. When that thing comes too and gets up its good and pissed off.

Had to warn many people one night, pickup smashed to hell in the front, several cars pulled over, 8 people or so, trying to drag a knocked out moose off to the side of the road. I pulled up, looked down and said, Lady that 1000lbs animal is not dead, stop pulling on it, when that monster gets up, you best be a kilometer down the road.

If you ever come upon a large moose in the middle of the road and it won't move out of the way, DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT start honking at it. It'll get pissed off, charge and start bucking your car until it has a headache. Not kidding here!!! Just wait it out, back up if you can and need to.

They are dangerous animals.

I consider myself lucky so far. I scan left to right, I see them a lot in the clear cuts.
Night time winter is when they are out licking the salty asphalt.
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