About to hit some VTEC !!


Dedicated LVC Member
Jun 1, 2013
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Hey guys it's been quite a while. I've had my hands tied with my baby daughter and life. My LS is still running strong thanks again. I'm just gonna jump to the chase.

So it's Martin Dragways last Midnight Madness/Test and Tune. I will be attending, anyone else? My buddy at work has a 2004 Mazda RX8 and he's been wanting to race me for a long time. He's a younger kid and thinks it's incredibly fast, he's taken me for several rides and have done countless launches in it. Anyhow, I've talked him into racing for $50 tonight.

I've never launched my LS yet, and can count on one hand how many times it's seen red line. However, I'm quite convinced that my LS will crap on that RX8.

If anyone that actually beats the hell out of there LS has any advice on a good launch technique, fill me in. Otherwise I just plan on D5 and slamming the gas pedal down haha.

Anyhow, I hope everyone is doing well. Your LS's too. God bless guys !!!
Oh and here's my baby Miah, July 10, 2014. She will be hustling poker and working on the Lincoln (preferably modification, not repair lol) by age 5.

I can't help you on the drag racing. But CONGRATS on the darling baby girl! Mine just turned 8, but she still has me under her spell....
She sure is a cutie!!! Enjoy these years and spend as much time as you can with her. The years will be gone before you know it!! YOU are her first example of how a girl should be treated so just be aware. I could go on and on as my little girl (almost 24 now!) and I have a great relationship (much, much better than my son and I :()!!

Put it in D4 (you don't want a shift into 5th), hold the brake, rev to just short of the rev-limiter (2800ism rpm) release the brake and floor it!!
If it's a stick and he can launch it you're probably gonna get worked a little bit.
If it's an auto you might be able to eek out a win.
Start adding the octane boost! Congrats on your new bundle of joy, great smile!
Put it in D4 (you don't want a shift into 5th), hold the brake, rev to just short of the rev-limiter (2800ism rpm) release the brake and floor it!!

pretty much, however you may need to play around with what RPM you launch at. if the track is not prepped, it may be too slick to launch that high, with the absence of a locking rear end, its easy for just one wheel to light up and spin all day... also depends on temperature and humidity, they can make a huge difference. if its too hot/humid my car will really bog down with too much Rev. most of the time on a nice cool night I launch at 1800-2300 RPMs.

also since you're going to the track, drive AROUND the water box (water from the front tire will make the track wet and slippery) and don't bother doing a burnout as its not really needed with street tires.

this should be a good race... you've got a good amount of power, but he is light, very light (I want to say a little under 3kLbs). hopefully you can get him out of the hole enough to keep it, that little 1.3 doesn't make sh!t for torque but it does really get going once the revs get through the roof! it will start to reel you in.

they also are a high 14 second car.
Well I won haha. I ran a 15.58 @ 90mph with .4 rt. He ran a 15.71 @ 88 mph and a .6 rt. Was a good race, I only ran once. He ran 4 or 5 times, and his 15.7 was his best time. He's not a great driver.

Was a good time though, and fun to actually open the LS all the way up. I'd like to see what it could do without all the audio weight and spare wheel. My spare is a factory rim to match too, not your average steelie.

Well thanks for all the congrats, love my baby girl. Maybe even more than my LS.... mmm.... nah.

Hahaha jk
man if he wouldn't have been sleeping at the line, he would have beat you by a few hundredths! good job, show them imports whos boss.

just goes to show you, the driver is usually the biggest mod you can make since you out drove him!
Congrats on the girl and the race.

However, it's Honda that has V-TEC.



Mazda, on the other hand has a rotary engine.


its not necessarily a terrible time, not having a lot of experience means that you're not going to get the best launch, and less than great 60' times are going to lead to higher ETs
Telco, everything has VTEC in my world. BWAAAAHHHHHHHHHH !!!!
I was thinking after some little mods, I know he's not running a tune, exhaust and intake, a second better would be nice but we all know it is what it is. LS not intended as a QM car.
a full second is a huge difference, usually takes more than simple bolt on mods...

he also mentioned extra weight from audio stuff.

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