Hey guys it's been quite a while. I've had my hands tied with my baby daughter and life. My LS is still running strong thanks again. I'm just gonna jump to the chase.
So it's Martin Dragways last Midnight Madness/Test and Tune. I will be attending, anyone else? My buddy at work has a 2004 Mazda RX8 and he's been wanting to race me for a long time. He's a younger kid and thinks it's incredibly fast, he's taken me for several rides and have done countless launches in it. Anyhow, I've talked him into racing for $50 tonight.
I've never launched my LS yet, and can count on one hand how many times it's seen red line. However, I'm quite convinced that my LS will crap on that RX8.
If anyone that actually beats the hell out of there LS has any advice on a good launch technique, fill me in. Otherwise I just plan on D5 and slamming the gas pedal down haha.
Anyhow, I hope everyone is doing well. Your LS's too. God bless guys !!!
So it's Martin Dragways last Midnight Madness/Test and Tune. I will be attending, anyone else? My buddy at work has a 2004 Mazda RX8 and he's been wanting to race me for a long time. He's a younger kid and thinks it's incredibly fast, he's taken me for several rides and have done countless launches in it. Anyhow, I've talked him into racing for $50 tonight.
I've never launched my LS yet, and can count on one hand how many times it's seen red line. However, I'm quite convinced that my LS will crap on that RX8.
If anyone that actually beats the hell out of there LS has any advice on a good launch technique, fill me in. Otherwise I just plan on D5 and slamming the gas pedal down haha.
Anyhow, I hope everyone is doing well. Your LS's too. God bless guys !!!