My '97 needs to have the ABS pump replaced, I have found it and it looks to be a snap to pull out and replace. I have read that the ABS Pump needs to be "cycled" to bleed the ABS system correctly. The instructions that I have seen on the bleeding procedure require and >$2k scanning tool. :wtf: Is there any other way to cycle the ABS pump so I can properly bleed the system after I put in the new pump?
I tried to search under "ABS bleeding" but this system won't search "ABS" it just pulls back results for "bleeding" and I couldn't find the info that I need.
Thanks in advance for you help.
I tried to search under "ABS bleeding" but this system won't search "ABS" it just pulls back results for "bleeding" and I couldn't find the info that I need.
Thanks in advance for you help.