Absolutely Livid!


Well-Known LVC Member
Aug 23, 2015
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The last person to reinstall the oil drain plug must have used an impact wrench. It won't budge and if I knew who they were, I would drive across town to beat them with a golf club. The edges are showing some rounding and after I get it off with vise grips, I'll put a new one on.

Some people should just not own tools.
It's probably more to do with temperatures last time than anything. .. I'm sure it was over tightened though.
damn man, I feel your pain, I just did the wife's oil a few days ago, and those retards that did it for her last did round the hell out of the bolt.
Many years ago, I brought my 89 TownCar to a local garage to change a motor mount.

The next time I did my own oil change, I saw that the oil pan was dented. They must have dented it when lifting the motor.

Luckily, no leaks, and I could easily get at the drain plug.
The last person to reinstall the oil drain plug must have used an impact wrench. It won't budge and if I knew who they were, I would drive across town to beat them with a golf club. The edges are showing some rounding and after I get it off with vise grips, I'll put a new one on.

Some people should just not own tools.

You should have tried to remove the oil filter on the '06 we bought off the showroom floor (first time ever doing that!!). Even after driving a screwdriver through the filter I had an extremely difficult time removing the stupid filter!
You should have tried to remove the oil filter on the '06 we bought off the showroom floor (first time ever doing that!!). Even after driving a screwdriver through the filter I had an extremely difficult time removing the stupid filter!

On my 2004 Town Car, removing the Oil Filter is easy as I only put them on as tight as I can turn them by hand. Even after 222k miles, the car doesn't burn a drop of oil between changes (and it isn't leaking any either).
On my 2004 Town Car, removing the Oil Filter is easy as I only put them on as tight as I can turn them by hand. Even after 222k miles, the car doesn't burn a drop of oil between changes (and it isn't leaking any either).

I do the requisite 3/4 turn after the gasket touches.

I can't imagine what the guy at the factory used to install that filter!!
I do the requisite 3/4 turn after the gasket touches.

I can't imagine what the guy at the factory used to install that filter!!

An oil filter cap socket and an impact gun maybe!


as a dealer tech years ago, All factory filters are tight... its a mix of no lube and factory torque specs ... above it the best tool to get them off (or a screw driver punched through the middle)
as a dealer tech years ago, All factory filters are tight... its a mix of no lube and factory torque specs ... above it the best tool to get them off (or a screw driver punched through the middle)

When I used the screwdriver, the filter twisted around the screwdriver. I ended up using a chisel on the rim of the filter to break it loose.
the last time I used the ole screwdriver through the oil filter trick, the filter was on so tight that the screwdriver just ripped right threw the filters skin, tore that bitch right in half... then your really in a pickle cause you can drive the car somewhere to get anything else or get it fixed!!!

no more screw drivers for me after that! now I have a few of these for different sized filters.

but to get that fukcer off, I had to borrow a rachet adapter like this one here from the neighbor...


I had to place it all the way up next to the base of the filter right up against the motor above the shredded filter! thank god!

In a pinch without tools you can also use rubber matting, like the mats they sell to open jars, or the roll of drawer liner. Something about spending 3000 miles in an oil-rich area makes it hard to turn the filter just with fingers and friction.
When I used the screwdriver, the filter twisted around the screwdriver. I ended up using a chisel on the rim of the filter to break it loose.

ouch, thats on there!!! I always dreaded have cars with 15k+ miles coming in for their first oil change... you knew it was going to be a struggle! Too tight is always better than too loose if your going to pay... My wife takes hers in if I wait too long to do it, usually I'll go out and double check both filter and plug.
I keep 2 large channelock pliers,one large and one really large. There has never been a filter that won't come off if I can grip it with those.These large channelocks are a tool you'll use again and again. don-ohio

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