Check the vacumn lines that run from the blend door box to the control unit. (the blue/red/yello/white vacumn tube bundle.) Pay piticular attention to thw yellow line, it runs to a seperate location than the others.
I figured that. The yellow line came out some how. I don't know where it was connected. Where does it go? Can it be reconnected without pulling the dash back out?
If you put everything together correctly, that hose should run through a retailer, that holds it close to the dash to keep it out of the way while you install it.
Well, I couldn't snake my hand back there, so I bit the bullet and pulled the dash back once more. I gotta say, I am still just as lost. I can see the yellow vacuum line just laying there, I just can't see just where it is supposed to be connected. Some guidance here would really help.
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