Adolph Hitler was one of history's best minds

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Mick Jagger

Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 6, 2008
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Adolph Hitler was one of history's best minds, says Glenn Beck​

The Real America, Beck wrote: "I wish I were the president, just for the 747 and the cabinet I could assemble. I would have the best minds that I could find with a special eye out for those people who would vehemently disagree with each other." He then explains that since he's not president, he did "the next best thing." He gathered books that presumably represent those "best minds."

Among them? Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf.
Media Matters is really working over time trying to spin this one.
But let me know if they find a clip of anyone saying that Mao, or Hitler, are examples of "their favorite political philosophers."
he was making a comparison. he was saying that having Mao as your political inspiration is the same as using Hitlers Mein Kampf to guide you political ideals.
and what's with Anita Dunn's tongue
"not my tongue, this on is off a basset, lost mine in Laos, some commie kid lopped it right off, probably using it as a door stop somewhere"
he was making a comparison. he was saying that having Mao as your political inspiration is the same as using Hitlers Mein Kampf to guide you political ideals.
He was trying to equivocate the two examples, fact is, they have nothing in common too. There's nothing wrong with quoting or reading about an evil person. It's important to understand evil. That is vastly different than being some ones "favorite political philosopher."

and what's with Anita Dunn's tongue
"not my tongue, this on is off a basset, lost mine in Laos, some commie kid lopped it right off, probably using it as a door stop somewhere"
It is a bit distracting, isn't it...
it's like she has peanut butter stuck to the roof of her mouth.
Glenn Beck believes that Adolph Hitler was one of history's great minds and would make Hitler one of the members of his cabinet, if Beck ever became President of the United States.

Source: The Real America, pp. 210-211, by Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck believes that Adolph Hitler was one of history's great minds and would make Hitler one of the members of his cabinet, if Beck ever became President of the United States.

Source: The Real America, pp. 210-211, by Glenn Beck

Can you show the actual quote from the book or are you simply parroting Media Matter's talking points without linking to them this time?
Can you show the actual quote from the book or are you simply parroting Media Matter's talking points without linking to them this time?

Would it matter? They'll come up with something, void of context, stripped of meaning, and then distorted some more. We know that this is gross distortion and another desperate attempt to shift the focus off the administration and demonize Beck.

It's evident that Beck seems to be using this as a way of demonstrating a decision making method where conflicting views are directly challenged by each other so that an informed decision can be achieved that isn't based on his early preconceptions or tainted by groupthink.

This is contrasted with the idea of filling a hypothetical cabinet with all people who agree with you and share the same world and philosophical view. Or believing in something and then ONLY reading sources that intend to confirm your ideas, rather than reading something that challenges them.

But that's all vastly different than saying that someone is your "favorite political philosopher" as Anita Dunn did. Or positively saying that Chavez seizing power in Venezuela amounts to an "incredible revolution- a democratic revolution" as Mark Lloyd has.
It is highly inappropriate for Real Americans to say anything positive about a ruthless, murderous dictator like Mao Tse Tung. That's why I pay my tributes to Adolf Hitler.

--Glenn Beck
"A lie told often enough becomes truth"
Joseph Lenin.

It's getting tiresome, Freddy.
The civility shown to you so far is about to run out.
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