advance trac light came on


Active LVC Member
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
Upstate New York
For the second straight day, it has been very cold in the morning. Like 5-10 below zero...very cold. And each time I have let the car warm up. When I get in and shift into drive, the advance trac light comes on. When it is time to go home from work, it has warmed up and the light is off. Can someone tell me what to do. It only has 28k and still under warranty.

Another issue that i have is that the driver window has a hard time going down. If someone can help me with this too i would appreciate it.

Thanks for your help.......
28K still under warranty? Sounds like you should take it to the dealer.
What kind of LS is this?

I agree with Beaups, a dealer check is probably your best bet. You're close to your 30K service, so I would raise the issue with them when you bring the car in for that service.

FYI, I have seen reports of wheel sensors for the AdvancTrac system malfunctioning in the cold. I can tell you that on my car, it has happened after a particularly cold night (light goes on and stays on after driving about 50 feet), but the problem manifests itself very infrequently. I stop the car, turn off the engine, and restart. That usually cures it. Since your problem appears to happen on a more regular basis, you may have a wheel sensor that is going bad.

Also, you may want to park your car in a garage if you are not doing so already.
there was a defect in late models in the front wheel speed sensors. involve replacing the sensors and drilling holes in the hub to vent heat. saw on alldata

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