Advance track malfunction?


Well-Known LVC Member
Dec 25, 2004
Reaction score
Butler PA
Hey gang... been a while since I've been on here, cars been behaving well since I replaced the back brakes, and the caliper "hangers" or whatever you call that $56 mistake Ford made... anyway...

I keep getting a check advance track message, at random times, but it won't hold a code. I blip the key while still moving, it resets and all is fine. It might do it 1 time in 20 miles, or not at all, or every time you blink. There doens't seem to be any pattern to it. I'm tending to think due to the randomness of it that it is a loose connector someplace to one of the wheel encoders, kinda like the random transmission E thing... I was wondering or hoping somebody else found the problem child. I'd run a search of the forum for similar posts, but for some reason the search tool keeps hanging up.

Any ideas? Thanks Crew!
Sounds like you are on the right track to me. You might pull the sensors and make sure they are clean and the wiring and connectors are good. But I would start at the rears where you did the work. You must have something not right there if it started after you did that job.
I agree with 2001LS8Sport. I've heard reports of wheel sensors going bad, which results in intermittent errors from the AdvaceTrac system. This would probably be the first place to check.
I guess I should preface that I did have the problem before I started working out back. But, the reason I was out back was I trashed a rotor waiting for parts.. so it's possible it did nuke the sensor. I know I have a ton of rust on the rim that's been a real treat to remove...

Thanks for the suggestions.

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