Advancetrack ligh, dashes in odometers, no speedometer, engine sensor data error .etc


LVC Member
Jun 21, 2012
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San Jose
Hi All,

Original owner of a 2000 LS-V8 w/ ~130k miles.

I've lurked over the years and used the forum knowledge base to resolve a number of problems over the years. After searching for some time last night I feel it's time to post and ask the collective for some ideas.

Driving home last night the Advancetrac beeped and lit the dash light. Then I also noticed:
- Brake warning light and parking brake light on
- Speedometer was not working (on zero)
- Odometer and trip display was showing dashes
- Message center would sometimes display 'Engine Sensor Data Error' or 'Fuel Computer Data Error', or Traction Control Data Error'.
Subjectively it also feels like the steering is 'heavy' too.

It was late and didn't have time to try much last night. Restarting the car displayed the same errors. I disconnected the battery, checked/cleaned terminals but upon restarting the same errors.

No recent work on the car. Has been reliable since the fuel pump issue in December.

Battery is 8 years old. I ran it down at Xmas troubleshooting intermittent and eventually a failed fuel pump. I charged it up and its been fine since.

I'll pull the OBD codes tonight. Not sure that I have access to the ABS codes though (using an older version of Autoenginuity software).

Only other out-of-ordinary thing yesterday is that I sat for about 40min, w/ car running w/ A/C on (temps in the mid 90's) waiting for daughter to get out of her activity. But we drove home w/o incident. Car sat for 2hrs and then we drove to hockey practice. On the way home from practice is when all the warning lights popped on.

Constructive opinions welcomed!

San Jose, CA
...- Brake warning light and parking brake light on...

I am going to assume that you really mean "ABS warning light and brake system warning light on." That brake system warning light does light up when the parking brake is on, but that is not its only function. It also warns of low brake fluid level and other brake system faults.

The car is no longer getting data on how fast it is going. That's why so many things are out, including the power steering boost level. The ABS controller is what tells the rest of the car how fast it is moving. It uses the wheel speed sensors to determine this. Assuming that you didn't already have the ABS and AdvanceTrac lights on, then it is unlikely that two wheel speed sensors failed at the same time. (BTW, your AdvanceTrac did not beep. Your message center beeped to call your attention to a problem, AdvanceTrac in this case.)
The odds are good that either your ABS module has failed, or your have a wiring fault that affects the ABS module or the data bus that it (and most of the rest of the car) communicates on. There is a lot of wiring at the front passenger corner of the car, and some have had trouble with damage to the wring in that area.
Hi Joe,

Thanks for the quick reply.

The ABS light is not on. I checked that a couple of times last night after searching the forum. Only the two small red lights. One of the red lights is for the parking brake, the other one according to the manual is called the 'brake warning light'. And the Advancetrac light.


Hope that pic attachment worked ...

Thanks for the other advice. I had come across those bad wiring references last night. I have a number of things to check out tomorrow.

Is the ABS module the 'black box' that is on the side of the ABS pump assembly (just in front of the passenger side fender well)? Is that replaceable or does the whole pump/electronics assembly need to be replaced. In looking around online it appears that used/re-furb are going to be my options.


That's just one light (there's only one bulb behind all of that), and it's the brake system warning light. Does the ABS light prove out (come on briefly when you start the car)? I am going to guess that it doesn't.
Yes, the ABS electronics module can be swapped without changing the pump and hydraulics. You have to get one with the same configuration as yours (If you have AdvanceTrac, it has to be from a car with AdvanceTrac). Once replaced, you'll have to do the AdvanceTrac calibration procedure. (Good scan tool or dealer required.)
After posting I thought the same thing about the brake warning light. Never paid attention over the past 15yrs if one or both of those red icons came on when the parking brake was engaged :)

I don't know on the ABS light. I know it's not on when the car is running. Will have to check the other scenario.

Thanks for the details on the ABS module. Will investigate the Advancetrac calibration procedure. I doubt that my scan software will do it so will have to ask around to get that done if I replace the module. Is the calibration procedure done to optimize it's capabilities? After installing a used one, will Advancetrac be functional but not as capable as after being calibrated?

Thanks for the advice.

... After installing a used one, will Advancetrac be functional but not as capable as after being calibrated?...

In the best case, it will detect the change and not be functional. In the worst case, it will be functional and may cause you to lose control as it may not correctly understand which way the car is going.
Wow .. that gives one pause. I'm checking to see if my scan tool will support the calibration. I have the Ford service manuals at home. Will have to look and see if they have the procedure in it or not. Like most folks, I have little faith in dealerships and would prefer to it myself ... if I can.

If your battery is 8 years old that would be my first suspect. the LS does very, very strange things with a weak/dying battery. The Christmas time discharge may have killed a cell or two (or more)....

It's time to replace the battery anyway.
Like most folks, I have little faith in dealerships and would prefer to it myself ... if I can.


with anything involving the advancetrac system, i would lower my head and go to the dealer. i learned
a $500 lesson by NOT going to the dealer first, during my hub swap / encounter with advancetrac.
Got home last night and moved the car into the garage in preparation of digging into it today. Well, everything was back to normal. This morning I put in a new Motorcraft battery (can't beat their price) just because. Changed the oil and rotated the tires. Going to have to put some $'s into the suspension soon (many of the rubber boots are cracking/cracked from age. I've driven the car about today and no bells or errors. So who knows. Thanks for the various comments/advice.


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