

Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 17, 2005
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Bay Area
Anyone using an adjustable fuel pressure regulator such as the Kirban or Aeromotive? Which one is the best quality?
JC1994 said:
I'm not running any adjustable regulator. should I???

depends on mods. As you add mods, it increases the amount of air in/out of the motor. You will want to increase the amount of fuel to compensate for best performance. The add hard part is determine how much you need to increase the pressure :woowoo2: If you increase too much then the motor will run rich.
i have the aeromotive off my mustang it works great its anodized red so it looks very cool too.
I have the one that Geno is selling....the Kirban AFPR. It is billet and it looks good IMHO that is. But, you really do not need one unless you are upgrading your fuel pump, or increasing HP. The factory one is fine up to a point, but if you plan on bigger upgrades in HP or fuel you will need an aftermarket AFPR. :Beer
CobraConti said:
If you increase too much then the motor will run rich.


The PCM will compensate with the duty-cycle timing for the injectors.
I know when i take mine to 50psi in the less humid conditions my tips turn BLACK, then when i am at stock 40 they do not. The computer can ony compensate so much.
driller said:
The PCM will compensate with the duty-cycle timing for the injectors.

yeeeeaaaaahhhhhhh. Install a afpr and crank the psi waaay up and see what happens......
CobraConti said:
yeeeeaaaaahhhhhhh. Install a afpr and crank the psi waaay up and see what happens......

You don't get out much, do ya? :N I thought everybody had seen enough of these pics...




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JP, you need to get a 2nd Gen so your engine can look like this without all the spaghetti. Of course you'd have to get rid of the silly Intech cover too.

Engine pic credit goes to BlackIceLSC because I can't find my pic.
MonsterMark said:
JP, you need to get a 2nd Gen so your engine can look like this without all the spaghetti. Of course you'd have to get rid of the silly Intech cover too.


Why would he do a thing like that. I do not mind the spaghetti of wires under the hood. I will deal with the spaghetti so I can be faster.......mod for mod the Gen 1 is and will remain faster than the Gen 2. I think that is more important. :N
You've been bustin' on me pretty good lately. :D Did you run out of Geritol, Bryan?

MonsterMark said:
Engine pic credit goes to BlackIceLSC because I can't find my pic

Do you even have a Mark? :N I'm not sure you do, if you did, you'd know that sphaghetti in the Gen1 will outrun that stupid COP setup Gen2 has.


Bring your Gen 1 wiring catastrophy to the Midwest meet in August and we'll see. All you guys really have is a more aggressive timing program stock from the factory. Nothing that a reflashed Gen2 can't handle.
MonsterMark said:
Bring your Gen 1 wiring catastrophy to the Midwest meet in August and we'll see. All you guys really have is a more aggressive timing program stock from the factory. Nothing that a reflashed Gen2 can't handle.

Oh, this from the guy who left me standing at the track waiting in Carlisle? LOL! :N

I'm booked August 20-21 and that means I'll have to work the weekend of the 13th. :(
To get the thread back on track, 95LSC32V, I don't think there is much difference in performance as far as settings go (fuel delivery accuracy). I would however compare the price to the quality for longevity.

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