aftermarket Alpine


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 30, 2005
Reaction score
Bentonville, AR
I will soon be replacing the audio system in my 04LS. I didnt get the Audiophile system but have always loved Alpine. I would like to know if anyone has installed Alpine component 5"x7" in this car. The SPR-57LS is what I have my eye on but they are quite deep. Has anyone purchased this Alpine upgrade? Would it be worth my time to put component 6.5's in instead of the factory sized 5"x7"???

I love the tweeter placement here:

I am holding out till March for this HU:

The double din may be hard to install but it will look HOT!

thanks for your advise,
n8bachelor said:
I will soon be replacing the audio system in my 04LS. I didnt get the Audiophile system but have always loved Alpine. I would like to know if anyone has installed Alpine component 5"x7" in this car. The SPR-57LS is what I have my eye on but they are quite deep. Has anyone purchased this Alpine upgrade? Would it be worth my time to put component 6.5's in instead of the factory sized 5"x7"???

I love the tweeter placement here:

I am holding out till March for this HU:

The double din may be hard to install but it will look HOT!

thanks for your advise,

Sorry I can't answer any of your questions but is that head unit Nav capable?
n8bachelor said:

Thats the same HU I'm looking to get as soon as it comes out.:) I figured it would go good with this amp for the cabin and this for the sub now I just need to pick some speakers. I figure the 3.5's in the console would work great for a center channel put some tweeters at the base of the A pillers where they belong then just replace the other 6 factory speakers and some subs and Im set.

Oh and yes you get full GPS with ether this or this
i think my tweeters are on the base of the A pillars? are they? i plan on putting 2 more in the same spot, just in the rear...

8-15-05 075 (Small).jpg
ltnate3 said:
Sorry I can't answer any of your questions but is that head unit Nav capable? has a dedicated NAV input. Alpine Nav is VERY good...but VERY spendy. I'm not sure if you could use someone else's NAV unit.

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