Ahmadinejad sounds just like the Democrats


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 24, 2005
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If you don't see the eerie similarities here, you are blind.

AHMADINEJAD (via translator): By creating nonexistent enemies, for example, and an insecure atmosphere, they try to control all in the name of combating insecurity and terrorism.

John Kerry July 24th of this year: The president is trying to scare the American people into believing that Al-Qaeda is the rationale for continuing the war in Iraq.

AHMADINEJAD (via translator): They do not respect the privacy of their own people. They tap telephone calls and try to control their people.

Russ Feingold, May 8th, 2006: The president violating the law by authorizing illegal domestic wiretapping.

AHMADINEJAD (via translator): Palestine is an old wound, as old as 60 years. For 60 years these people are displaced. For 60 years these people are being killed. For 60 years on a daily basis there are conflict and terror. For 60 years, innocent women and children are destroyed and killed by helicopters and airplanes that break the house over their heads!

Jimmy Carter on The Tonight Show, December 11th, 2006: In Palestinian territory, there's horrible persecution of the Palestinians who live on their own land, and they have occupied the land. They have confiscated. They've colonized it, and they've forced Palestinians away from their homes, away from their pastures, away from their fields, cut down their olive trees and severely persecuted the Palestinians.

AHMADINEJAD (via translator): This is not Guantanamo Bay! This is not a Baghdad prison! This is not a secret prison in Europe. This is not Abu Ghraib. This is Iran! I'm the president of this country!

Senator Durbin, Dick Durbin, floor of the Senate, June 14th, 2005: If I read this to you and didn't tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have happened by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime, Pol Pot or others, that had no concern for human beings. Sadly, that's not the case. This was the action of Americans in the treatment of their own prisoners.


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